.ook m' r the w! and I 'BHQ, f L.MO I l will tnake BETTER BREAD Uwti you have ever made before. 'í'W BREAD general! meansPOOR YE AST POOH YEASTalways mcans POOR BREAD Look tbr the Owl and Mooo. At your Groeer't. HANG8TERFERS CQNFECTIONERY, Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, sïirimwiciiiEe!, etc. Ice Cream Soda Dwing the Winter. LUMBBR ! LUMBER ! LUMBER! you contémplate building oal) at PERDÓN Lumber 7ard Corner Fourth aad Depot Sta., tu i get our flsruri for all kinds of LUMBEE We mauufacture our own Lumbei and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. 49-eiTe os eallMad we wlll mnkr it .voor lntereL, aa iir larve and wll ura.l.-.l n(iirk tvMj HUNtniuH oor aaserJAHKB TOLBKKT, Pre T. J. KKEC1H. Nipi I G. H. WILD, I Merchant Tailor U sbowlng me largest stock ot FALL GOODS. He bas the flnest TROi;SKKI.US In Ana Arber. Ezunine 0. H. Wild' stock oi English Dress Snitings All the latest Noveltlea can be een at .%". t WasNiDKton Ni., Near lulu. W. F. LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS flilLCLiSS GOOaS A 5ÍEÍIAH?. New Tea at 28, 80. 40 and 5Dc. per pound Kcttiee, poreelaln linea, free witb 1 pound Baklat Fowder ut 60 ceuts. China ware free wlth 1 pouud Cotfee al 26 cents per lb. The beat goodi al lúe lowest prico. Alwaya full welghi and meaaure. All goodt freah and Tarranied. DeItvereil u au; part of the city. You wlll saTe muney by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 Rad O llroml wsj. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, DEALER IN ■ AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds oi Buildin&r Stone! QEMETERY AQRK Ji. SFJBOIA-I-TTr. Corner Detroit and Catbertne iB. AHN ARBOR. UICH. - --?5rv We iend the marrelon Frencb Cl 2ïk Bemedj CALTHCS rrwe, anü ;UF M legil Kuarntee tht Cíi-thob will I.J2 "j STOP DImW EJl.i, WWt-iS f i-TUE KprmlUfTkM. T Hoede Vr1 tf Bi BE8TORE l-t Vlxor. T1l Szi Use it and pay fsalisJUd. V lrT i"ïO MOML CO..
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