Hayley & Davis
HAVI5ÍG bought out the business of T. F. McDowald, 12 Forest-ave., fier thorougtily reno vating and repaintins the store we are now readv with a füll line of Fancy and Staple Groceries WHICH HA. VB BEEN CARKFUI.I.Y 8ELECTEi AND ASE THE BEST IN" THE MARKET ! These eoods we uitend to saII at th LOWEST possible CASH PRICE. We are also city agenta for MORTON'S AEKATKD BKKAD of Detroit, the finest Baker1! Bread ever sold in the city. ALL THE LEADINQ BRANDS OF FLOUB conHtantly kapt on hand at the lowest pricee. . _ and Coffees a specialty. Cali and be convinced that we mean what we say. 12 FOREST AVE. i iDS-FARMSIpijp, IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. 011111 )(' ■ ,U ■ T) THB FAR WKST, bot oome h where too can buy ranna that will produce mort .,: 4 i T[aiKifftTe yu tr-attprutltiDle reimlií in lhbetniarlti( lu tbe world, and wberv th9 mu iTiioticli iiow oom paran ve 1t cheap, are ovtntantly and rüpicil j tocreaslng in valué. Nearlj all BQ 'ln .id with flue ooal ana mach oí il ricta Ín mineral producís. Addrees for f all inforiuatíoa Í . A. TUU18DAI.E, Secjr, Hrtrvpoili, III. I "W. H. BAIX, Aat. ecy, DoQnoIl.IUf SouUcri llIlaoU InprtTtMCtl aad Iiimlsrllo AmocUcIu
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