] verybody should visit the store of BACH, ABEL & CO. THE OLD RELIABLE Dry Goods HOTJSE Grand Opening - OF - Antumn and Winter Dress Goods and Cloaks. We offer the Largest Line of Imported Dress Goods and Suitings, ever brought to ihisCity. The Stock is Complete in all Lines. HANDSOME AND STYLISH, Scotch Cheviot Suiting. JELEGANT PATTERN DRESSES. The most complete assortiment of French Serges and Henriettas, all Shadep, Colors and Prices. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BEDford Cords (very popular). COMPLETE LINE OF COLORS ín Twilled, French Broadcloths, 46 inches wide at $1.00 per yd. Great value. Theee goods are not to be found any where else in the city. 100 PIECES OF BROCADES Cords (all colore) in I Dress Goods at the uniform price of 15 cents per yard. The Cheapeet lot of goods ever offered to the trade. 60 PIECES OF AMERICAN Cashmere at 25 cents per yard. Choice colorsand unequaled value for the money. N IMMENSE LA OUT OF J)ress Flannels and Home Spuns. CLOAKS pTJR STOCK NEVER WAS SO large and handsome. Reefer Jackets, the correct garment this season. In all qualities from $5.00 to $25.00. Plain and Fur trimmed, a grand collection of gerviceable and stylish gat ments. 'An examination. will convince vou of theii merits. PLÜSH CLOAKS ARE STILL on top, and we offer the celebrated Walker Plushes in all the various grades. The goods are guaranteed for wear aad beauty. The beet in the market. ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS crowded with first-class goods, apd all goods at bed-rock prices. JRemember the Place and give us a cali. 1 lic O UI Rellable Dry Goods Huse. Bach, Abel & Co., 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SCHOOL SHOES ! TVE HAVE RECEIVED THE BEST GRADE CHILD'S, MISSES', BOYS' AND YOUTH'S SCHOOL SHOES MADE. ; VtE WARRANT EVERY I PAIR TO WEAR SATISFACTORY. DONT FORGET Tö CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. OUR WOMEN"S J$V MEN'S, $3.00 WIIX i, SURPRISE YOU. SAMUEL KRAUSE, 48 S. MAIN STREEÏ. fee 'ream. "Vanilla, Chocolate, coffee, pislachio, fitrawberry , macaroon, tutifiuitti, bisque, nouquat. AU Sunday orders should be given the day previous. tf _?' V' HASOSTBBrSJ?,
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