The City
Fred Stein, a tramp, is boarding at the He was drunk. Rev. J. M. Gelston attended the Michigan Presbyterian synod at Pontiac last week. Jacob Lut, of Saline, bas taken a position in the store of the J. T. Jacobs company. Fresh strawberries wereserveJ at tea, Sunday night, by A. L. Alexander, of Webster. New steel rails are being laid on the Michigan Central, between Detroit and Ypsilanti._ Miss Edith Atkins, lit, '90, is teacher of higher Latin and Engliih in the Manistee high school. Ed. Roehm, of Roehm & Son, Detroit, was in the city last week taking orders for fraternity pins. G. H. Pond and S. W. Beakes wilt attend the meeting of St. Andrew's Brotherhood in St. Louis. W.ashtenaw's bill for '.keeping eight inmates at the HouEe of Correction during the last quarter was $63.85. A burning chimney in the house of Mrs. Bush on Broadway called out the fire department Saturday afternoon. Felix Mackin pleaded guilty, Saturday, to assault upon Andrew Hiller and wassentenced to jail for twenty days. Work will be resumed in the agricultural works next Monday. During the past week an inventory has been taken. The foundation for the new St. Thomas hall is completed, and work has commenced on the superstructure. An unknown person, Thursday evening, flred a revolver shot into the residence of H. Woodward. Fortunately no was hurt. The Water Company have finiehed laying the pipes up to the new hospital and are now at work on Pontiac-st, in the fifth ward. Mrs. Mary V. ïorrans, of the sixth ward, mourns the loss of her little daughter, Lois, who died last Thursday of diphtheria. Charles Holt, a high school student, was quite noisy on State-st at a late hour Friday night. He was arrested and on the following day paid $5.20 coets. Mrs. Jane Brewell, widow of the late Chas. Brewell, passed away in Defrcii on Saturday. The remair were brought to Forest Hill Cemetery for interment. Mrs. Ella W&shburn, of Chicago, formerl y Miss Ella Stevens, paseed away o"1") arsday last. She was a daughter ji Mrs. James Parshall, of Ann Arbor townj She leaves a husband and one son. The average yield of wheat in this county per acre is 20.62 bushels. The average weightper bushei, after cleaning, is Gl poundsJJBarley yielde.24.40, oats 37.49]and corn G6 bushels tothe acre. "I wieh y ou would have my advertisement for a boy taken out," said Mr. Wagner to The Register a few days since;" my wife has been pestered with callers ever sincethat advertisement was insertej, so that sbe hasn't had time to do much except answer the door bell." Rev. H. N. Alien, Michigan state evangelist of the[Church of Christ, will assist Rev. C.?A. Young at the Sunday morning service, at the close of which the congregation will be permanently organized. AU persons intending to be identified with the Church of Christ are requested to be present. The members of Welch Post, G. A. R., the Woman's Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans left for Ypsilanti, Friday evening, toattend the entertainment given by the Woman's Relief Corps of that city. Owing to an accident they did not reach Ypsilanti till ten o'clock and did not return until one. t Mrs. E. T. Sunderland, of this city. delivered an address, Thursday, before the National Convention for the Advancement of Women, in which she insisted that foreigners became citizens too soon and that, in Ann Arbor, they block the wheels of progress so far as the abolishment of the saloon is concerned. A free piano recital is to be giren be fore the Unity club on Montlay evening next, by Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner, assisted by Mrs. W. F. Edwards, soprano; E. N. Bilbie, violin, and Miss Bertba 1). Hill, accompanist. It is to be given n theaudience room of the Unitarian church. The program will consist of selections from classic and popular numbers. Col. H. S. Dean, cnairman of the World'sFairsnb-committee from Washtenaw county, makes the following pertinent suggestion. Country newspapers all receive much printed matter from the bureau of information, which is so long that it is necessarily thrown into the waste paper basket without being used. It would be much better if the bureau would furnish the matter in plate fortn and send a smaller quantity of it. All of this is endoreed by The Register. The supervisors viuited the county house Tuesday. William Kersey, convicted of larceny, goes to Ionia today for a term of a year and a half. Hon. J. T. Jacobs lelt Tuesday night for Velasco, Texas. It is both an official and busineP8 trip. Rev. Henry Tatlock left yestenlay for St. Louis to attend the meeting of St, Andrew's Brotherbood. The Buckeye engine, recently placed in the electric light building, was started up on Monday, Joseph Myers and W.F. Keiler, Ypsilanti saloonkeepers, were fined $25 apiece in the circuit court Monday. Eev. Camden M. Coburn delivers next Sunday evening the first of a series of sermons on the wit and humor of the Bi ble. The case against Thomas Matthews and John Gow for rape has been continued over the term.bail in each case beingfixed at SI, 000. Amanda L. Maurer died last Sunday at the age of thirteen. Her funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J, Neumann offlciating. The case of Emily Kulenkamp vs. Frederick Kensler, for breach of promise, was decided Monday, the plaintiff receiving $200 damages. Wm. R. White, manufacturer of farm gates, is meeting with flattering Buccees. He says that one man has already ordered nine of them. The Ann Arbor Guitar and Banjo club will play at the social of the Bthlehem parish, which is to be held Friday at the residence of Herman Hutzel. Anna Mary Armbraster, wife of Anton Armbruster, died on Monday morning of dropsy. Her funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, Eev. Max Hein officiating. The Wesleyan Guild Chapter of the Epworth League will entertain the members of the Students' Christian Aseociation next Saturday evening at the Methodist parlors. Willie Hessian and George Ogen.two boys under eleven years of age, broke into the shoe shop of Thomas Speechly Sunday afternoon and stole a nund of tools. The boys were traced and the goods return e5r Nothingcouldbedone by authf nies as both Hessian and Ogen ele too young for punishment. The Ann Arbor lodge of Good Templare will hold a public meeting and social in their hall over J. T. Jacobs' store, next Monday evening. A good program and supper will he given. Mell Gillespie willbe presentand render some selections on the banjo and guitar, Kev. B. F. Brimblecorn will make the addreBS of the evening. Loud screams of "Murder," "Help" attracted the attention of many persons living in the vicinity of State-st Tuesday morning. It was found that they proceeded from the third floor of the Sager building. Officer Tice soon appeared upon the scène. Mrs. Bennett, it seems, had suffered from a fainting fit and her husband, in his attempt to help her, had caueht hia finger in her set teeth. It was he who had uttered the cries. Tho prosecuting attorney's report regarding violations of liquor laws shows that since the last supervisors' meeting he has caused the collection of $6,081.02. Of the amount $2515 00 was paid in by personal solicitation, $2916.62 by suit; $300 is to be paid before the 24th and $350 has been paid in fines at the term of court. The cases against Jacob Dupper, Christian Roth, Herman Hardinghaus, Charles Koerning and John J. Schultz are yet to be tried. The ladies of the library association are making a great eflbrt to pay the debt on the building. The original mortgage, which was $2,600, has gradually been reduced until, at the last annual meeting in April, it was $900.00. Mr. Henning then offered to give one hundred dollars, on condition that the remainder was raised before the next annual meeting. Since then membera of the board and other f riends have subscribed on the same conditions such generous sums, that only $525.00 remains to be raised. Prof. Stanley haa Tery kindly consented to givean organ recital next Saturday evening, October 24, in the Congregational church.and it is hoped that the friends of the Ladies' Library will do what they can to raake the concert a success.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register