Real Estate Transfers
Thos. Richards to R. R. Dexter, York $ 625 Thos. Richards to Chas. A. Armiugtou.York 110 Jas. R. Bach to Gottlob Luick, Ann Albor 1,200 W. W. Whltlark to G. C. Rhodes, Anu Arbor _ 250 M. Blusser to O. A. Whltney, Aun Arbor i J. and J. Wallaoe to Wm. Burtless, Manchester _ 2,800 Geo. E. Apfel to Jno. Wagner, Ann Arbor.... 1,200 8. D. Blrchto Jno. A. Frey, Salem 800 Frank Lamble to J. L. Strang, Ypsilanti 1,050 Ixrana Mount to M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor.., 1,300 John Flinn to 8. M. Sutton, Ann Arbor 1 John Fllnn to Jno. Taylor, Ann Arbor 300 Rlchmond and Wheeler to First Nat'l Bank, Sclo 20,000 Jane Ames to C. C. Klng, Chelsea „.... 1 H. 8. Holmes to Nathan Herce, Sylvan 7,20n H. T. Morton to Lorana Mount, Ann Arbor 1,600 Alien A. Kent to J. B. Whinesy. Ann A xbor 2,500 Samuel Seney to Sarah Jane Seney, Lima.... 500 Jacob Hoffítottcr to M. A. Burkhardt, Ann Arbor 1 J. T. Jacobs to F. N. Colé, Aon Arbor.. 3,300 Chas. McCormick to Cathariue Parsons.Ann Arbor 2,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Thomas Richards
R. R. Dexter
Charles A. Armington
James R. Bach
Gottlob Luick
W. W. Whitlark
G. C. Rhodes
M. Slusser
G. A. Whitney
J. Wallace
William Burtless
George E. Apfel
John Wagner
S. D. Birch
John A. Frey
Frank Lambie
J. L. Strang
Lorana Mount
M. E. Cooley
John Flinn
S. M. Sutton
John Taylor
Jane Ames
C. C. King
H. S. Holmes
Nathan Pierce
H. T. Morton
Allen A. Kent
J. B. Whinesy
Samuel Seney
Sarah Jane Seney
Jacob Hoffstetter
M. A. Burkhardt
J. T. Jacobs
F. N. Cole
Charles McCormick
Catharine Parsons