OUR 25 CENT COLUMN, Adveitisemente, such as To Bent, For Bale, and Wants, not exceedlng three linee, can be Lnserted three weeks for 25 cents. WASTE. W AMTKU- Tgood, frëëïf MÏÏcFcow. Wood Corn, Oats, Hay, Butter, Eggs, etc. In exchange for Household goods of all kinds. New and Becond-hand, at 32 L. Huron-st. J. S. Mann. 78tf WANTE - Wood Stoye. Inqulre at ihis office. 78_ WANTED- Lady wishes wolk by tb e day. Inqnire at her rooms over Warner's Grocery Store, Ann-t. 80_ WAN TED.- Young man who wishes to learn Shorthand and Typewriting and pay for the full course by dolng janltor work. A splendicl opportunity for the right person. Enqulre of S. A. Moran, Register Office. 82 VITANTE- Man wanted to take careüf norse TT and do chores about house. No. 2 Packaxd-st. 78__ WANTS.- Three or rour lady or gentlenei canvassen, to Kil Domestic, White anu Davis Bewing Machine. No previous experience required. Will pay salary or commlssion. Apply at once. J. F. Schoh. 67tf ra BAiE. IpOK Two good Coal Stoves and a 1 Charcoal Filter, at 61 E. Liberty st. 80 FOR SAL.E- A fine Carriage Team, dark Chestnut Mares, well matched, perfecüy gentle and good drivers. Enquire or address Leonard Bassctt, 23 Thompson-st, Ann Arbor. 79 J A ACRE FARM for sale at Whitmore Lake lu Excellent soil, good house, barn, and sheds Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 876tf FOR BALE- Cheap, one Warwick Safety Bicycle, good as new. Enqulre of No. 10 West Second-et. 78 FOR SAI.E - Slxroom house No. 63 MUlerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf FARM FOR 8ALK- The Bollock or Ererett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; contalning 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber; school and church withln a mile; land naturally the best and in good condltion. Also 40-acre farm for sale. The s of theeast M of the s. e. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmld's, one and a half miles from city limita. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or addrees Andrew E. Gibson, 52 E. Washlngton-st Ann Arbor. Mlch. 60tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT.- The east half of the F. M. Hamilton block, on William Street, near State, Enquire at 32 South Stb are. 80 POB RENT- Elegant Parlón and a fine Suite F of Rooms. All tastlly furnlshed. Fumace, heated and lighted. Clnse to Campus. Parlors $5.00 per week; Suite Ï3.75. 39 Church-st. 59 TO RENT- Unfurnished : Two ground-floor parlors and an upstairs bedroom. 28 North-st. 77 TAHrr. LOST- On September 22. Ladies' Gold Watch Chain, wlth Gold Pen and Penholder attached, between Washlngton-st, and 106 8. Main-Bt. Leave at Arnold's Store, and receive reward. 78 MISCEIiIANEOPS. aRfERS for the Champion Weather Strips for Doors and Windows may be left at 28 N. S. St., or address by card M. J. Fuinum, city. ■ 80 EK. BILBIE -Teacher of Violln. Rooms northeast cor. Main and Liberty-sts. 78 IF yon wlah to advertise anything anywhere at any time write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. 10 Spruce St.. New York. 870-921 EVER Y one in need of Information on the robJect cfadvertislng will do welltoobtain a copy of "Book for Advertisere,'' 363 pagee, price one dollar. Malled, poatage paid on recelpt of price. Contains a carefnl compilatlon from the American Newspaper Directory of all the beet papers and class journals; gires the cireulation rating of every one, and a good deal of infonnatlon about rates and other mattere pertainlnff to thebnsinessofadYertliing. Address ROWELi ADVEBTISING BUREAU, 10 Spruee 8t., N. T. 870-921 YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. Í1HLÍ0YÍÍ&I DEALERS IN Groceries, Crockery and Glassware OFFER THE F0LL0WIN6 BAR6AINS: 7 lbs. RolledOats! 26c 3è lbs. Sears' Best Crackers. 25c 2 Cans of Salmón 25c 3 Cans of Corn 25c 3 doz. Pickles 25c 6 Bars Kirk's Soap 25c 1 lb. Good Japan Tea 25c 1 lb. Crushed Java Coffee 25c 2 Cans Fine Table ...25c Teas, Coffees and Spices, Warranted to give Satisfaction, Pillsbury Flour, White Loaf Flour, Roller King Flour, and A. A. Milling Co.'s Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. O'HARA.BOYLE&CO. No, 1 Broadway, Ann Arbor, BARGAINS AT MARY F. MILEY'S IN FAIKOY .(I(MS ART EMBROIDERY All Material for Fancy work, Zephyrs, Yarns, Germantown WooIb, Canvas, Felts, and all of the Newest Designs in Fancy Work eonstanth kept on hand. Embroidery and Stamping done to order. P. D. Corseta sold. 20 E. Washington-st., Ann Arbor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register