Schairer & Millen!
WIJSTTBR CLOAKS UNDERWEAR SPECIAL A.TTRACTIONS AT THE BUSY STORE OF A TWO WEEK'S SALE. The Prices We Name Will Píeme You I CHIPES ! Destined to become the most popular Garment of the seasan. Our assortment the largest. Infact the only House showing the newest styles. Special during this sale; a 40-inch Cape made in three cloths, Black and Tan, worth $15.00, at $10.00. One lot Broadcloth and Camel's Hair Capes, Nail Head and Gimp Trimmed Feather Edge Collar, worth $18, at $14 . A 40-inch Black and Tan Chevron Cape Jetted Yoke, Feather Trimmed, worth $25; our price $20. ZB-AO-JLIItTS ! IB A.:R3-.A.XÏsrS ! IT'S A BUS Y PLACE, OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Ladies, if you want a Winter Garment you can't afford to miss this sale. 300 Ladies' Jackets made from Camel's Hair, Cheviot and Beaver; Warm, Stylish Garment, only $5.00 and $7.00. 75 Elegant Box Reefer Jackets Faced with Astrachan, Black Hare, Imitation Seal (Half Satin Lined) at $9.00 and $12.00 each. 35 Handsome Hip Seam Jacketa, Plain and Fur Trimmed, Nobby Garments at $12, $14 and $16. Ladies' Walking Coats, Newest Cut, very Dressy at $14 and $16. Cape Newmarkete, Heavy Pure Wool, Cloths, Tans, Grays and Black at $16 and $18. Big lot Misses' Reefer Jackets at $3.75, $4.50 to $10.00. Closing out 300 Misses' and Children's Long Newmarkets at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. THEY ARE CHEAP. Ladies ! Come and see our Stylish Warm Long Capes, Newmarkets, with Military Capes, Real Mink Trimmed, Jackets, Real Astrachan Trimmed Jackets. We have just purchased at a great Bargain a Lot of 40-inch Seal Pluflh Sacques and during this sale will sell them at above the coat to manufacture. w L lliis Check will be accepted as 50 ets. j 1 'S S 9 s to apply on purchase&amountingto $500 S a fi ís or over l" our Vloak Department during CC w 5 S is i thü vale. L SCHAIRER & MILLEN. Ladies', Men's and Children's Underwear, the Largest Stock and Best Values ever shown by us. SOHAIRER & MILLEN, LEADERS OF LOW PRICES AND AL WATS THE CHEAPEST.
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