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The Polnt of View. Salesman - Vood ze madame not like ze bust ze great Napoleon. Very fine. Ze madame will have ze bust, certainementf Mrs. Silverlode (from Denver)- Yes, I would like a stachooette of Napoleon, but I prefer one showing the side iiee; it ie much more striking. Salesman - Ah, ze madame p-r-refer ze p-r-r-rofeel. Vood ze madame be so kind to stand on ze sido of ze bust ? Ah, zare is ze p-r-rofee! iiagnifiqut! - Brooklyn Life. What'n Tbat? Familiar sound, Ihat isn't it? The pedro season is now open and will continue until nezt spring. Or, perhaps you like whist, seven up, or come othef game petter tban pedro. Thia is to remind you that the playing cards issued by the B. & M. and D., L. & N. Railways (the favoritos of Michigan) are the latest novelty in that line and the price is not "out of sight" either- only 15 cents. Send fora pack. Geo. DeHaven, General Passenger Agent, Grand Rapid. 79 The Proper Tblng. Evelina- Come, Chawley, let's go home, now. Charles - What for? Aren't you enjoing the entertainment? Evelina- Oh, yes, but it isn't good form to be verv much interestedinanything. People won't know but we are from the country if we stay until the end.- Chautauqua Assembly Herald. Jly Hcad Was Fairly Botten, And how much I suffered it is hard to describe. That loathsome disease, catarrh, caused the above, and the doctors said they could not relieve me. Ipaid hundreds of dollars, for which I received no benefit. I got more good from two bottles of Sulphur Bitters than from ftll the money I paid to doctors. I sliall continue the Sulphur Bitters, as I have great faith they will cure me. - S. M. Day, 41 Hanover-st, Boston, Mass. 2 Masculino and Femlnine Courage. A Miesissippi girl who chanced to be in the house alone one afternoon, and ww confronted by a negro giant who b fce the door down and cerne in swinging ,n huge and blood-curdling knue, eeized a shot-gun she knew waa not loaded and caused him to beat a hasty retreat. Assoon as the negro was out of sight she fainted dead away with fright. To the masculine nature it is impossible to understand how wonen can be so wonderfully brave in the face of great peril and die with fright wht n there is no danger. Men are always braver in the absence of danger. I3inghamton Republican. CHEAT1NC ÏJ" HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of fa Horse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn'tworth one-half asmuch. The fact that % Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the k trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. AT r _ Five Mile Ask #fe SÍ Boss for H Jr Electric 01 JIÑA Extra Test IS f& Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5 A STYLES at pricea to smt eveiybody. If you can't get theni from yuur dealer, write us. Ask foi thesi l'.o.ik. Vou can get it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. SlrepIessncNS Ciired. IV I am glad to teetify that I ased Pastor Ko. nig's Nerve Tonio with the best succes for Sleepleesiiets, and believe that it is roally a ?reat ielief for Buíiíring humanity. E. FKANK, Pastor. St. Severin, Keylertou P. O., Pa. Looax, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1890. I used Pastor Koenig'a Nerve Tonic in the case oí a l:í-ydar oíd boy fur a case of St. Vitas Dance of two years' standing His conditlou was moit iameatable, as his limbs wero eosstaiJl) v in motion, aad at tabla his hauds could not hold kiii't. fork or wpooa The effect of tbis iiitítlicínt; w&3 at once notiLvable v all, aud the boy himseif remarked, "I know it h&lps aie," aud before the second bottlu was used up, he íusiBteü that thero wae no neceasity of taking inore as he was entirely cured. CAKL, HKLFIiNBEBQBUL A Valnablc Itook on Nerrou LNLL Discutes sout free to ms addreas, W H ■ ■ aud poor patients tan also obtalu IlLLi thlg medicine ITee of chance. Thi remedy has beenjpreparerl by the Reverend Pastor Koenig. of Fort Wavnc, Ind.. since UÍ76, and Í8uowprepareduudi-rhis dlrectioii by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoldbyDruscistsatSl icr üottle. C for 85, lanre Slïe. 1.7 j. (BatHMbrM Bft A pamphlet of Information and 1 ■ stract of the laws, tfbu uk llow toV Êv Obtain Patentf. CaTeatR, TradeW B Mart, CopjrlKhts, mt iTct.mBf %,Adj. MUNN A CQ. WÈ. 3íl Broadnar, H (3 sJíw Yrk


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