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Dr. Fruth

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. Fonnerly of New York, uow the celébrate 1 Examining Physiclan of the Fsctb Medical and Suhgi ai. Institvte, Chicago, 111., l)jr rcquest of many and Patients, has declded to visit ANN ARBOR Thursday, November 26, 1891. Consultatie and Examinatton Frec aml Strictly Confldential, in the Private Parlors of til e COOK HOUSE- one day only. ri E lfci-áML jr3 o - jÉÊIÉëï -'iÜfc ? IDIR,. .A.. O. FBUTH, Examining Phygieian of the Fruth. Medical and Surgical Institute.I'ermanently Established and Incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of ('lironic uu Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Storaach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women! Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a never Marriage - Married persou or young men lauins n)Stnol. A home treatment enlirely harmeontemplating marriage, aware of phyEieaï weakless and easily applied. Consultación frec and nes, lossof procreativepowers, impotency or any stricüy confidential. other diBqualiflcation.speedily restored. Dr. Fruth, after years of experience, has perEdüêdsv or Fiti nositivplv nnrprf hv nnr now dra'fn iÏÏiSS? "Sfef ?Od ,f curinf Ji'1 anTne? falliag hS? Su tríatment. arain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, ImpairedMem„ , r ory, Weak Back, Melancholy, Want of Energy, Kidney and Bladder Discases, Bright's Disease, Premature decline of the Manly Powers thoee Diabetes and Kindred maladics. treated and cures terrible disorders arl&ing from ruinous practiees of effected In thousanils of cases that had been proyouth, bliEhting the most rdint hopee, rendering nounced bcyond hope. m?WiaS!íil!1ÍaX,pí; r. v. Private Diseases-Blood Poison, Syphillis, Gonann???hinti ï , ?fStage'reI?Cm,befyouare 0"noca, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varico, tiïïïrt anl. ff ■ youarebofdenug upon Cele, Loss of Seiual Power, and all aiseáses of the thtt ?f . L r 8u?e,nn8 &" 1,tlieffecte' remember genito urinary organs speedily aDd permanenüy thetlmPn?6tely,PerelfU?Pr0CrafUnatiSni Noriíkilneurreá. Consultation free and rouStSnn! k ü, Physiclans can render ,tricUy confidential. Medicine sent free from obclSed "ïtaSi rou r pe W servation to all partí of the United States. Vnnnv mm .Ú n-iid „,-„„„ „ .. Catarrh Curcd.- Catarrhal affections of the nose, carelS eMterrnw'nr Tmitft,?iii h. iJ5 throat' )unes aIlli stomach. bronchitis, asthma untortanateVnrt flnH Mh.ïïi.ïivöV P ?' hftvefbf eonromDUon and dyspepsl, mccerafully treated files cured without pain, knife or cautery. of thoufandsofhelplesscasesthatwehaverestored -no aetention from business. to bealth and bappiness. „, yFj KxamiuaUon of the Urinc.-Each person applying for medical treatment should eend Uon. &n UUCC urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and microscopical examlnaWOSDEliritT r?1C P? Perfected in old cases which have been neglected or unsklllfully treated. II WHMiAi VU liuki No experiments or failures. Parties treated by mail and express, but wbere possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cajes guaranteed. ■Cases and correspondence confideutial. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. Listof 18 1 qoestions iree. dr. KRÜTH, Chicago, nis. Htate addres, fcr LonvcDlence of his Micliijan paticnls, is Laxsino, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Register