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Real Estate Transfers

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John Koch to Albert Mann, Ann Arbor city ï:!,200 McLaughlin & Corllss to J. R. Trojaaowski, Ann Arbor 100 Philip Bach to Jas. (Jlements. Ann Arbor. ... 100 Chas. Fuller to H. A. Butler, Augusta 60 J. D. Corey to F. D. Merrithew, Sharon C00 W. Bianck to W. A. Blanck, Salem and Superior... 6 000 Qus Crocker to W. Estabrook, Ann Arbor..... 200 Ellza Smith to Margaret Renshaw, Ypsllanti i C. M. VVebb to Phebe L. Stark, Manchester 500 E. C. Dolson to J. H. Kersey, Ypsilantl 100 A. H. Fattengill to M. Seabolt, Ann Arbor 1,400 Geo. W. Ray to V. J. and L. BU, Ann Arbor town „ .......... 10 Krastus Holmes to Samuel Koblson, Saline, 000 Wm. Robison to Samuel Robison, Saline 2,000 Mary Newcomb to Fred Robison, Saline 1,500 C. Hauser et al to C. F. Dnterkircher, Saline village 2,300 Richard Callis to J. R. Verselius, York 500 E. K. Frueauff to M. and K. Qoodale, Ann Arbor _ 2,800 Amos Spoke to Salome Gardner, Ann Arbor „ „... 450 Orrln Wardell to R. J. Service, YpsllanU town „ 452