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So nifjerrnl She Mid "sood night;" abe eaid it o'er. As rnaldi oft have to do; Sbe Mid It tweDty Umei or more, And still she wasn't tur ugb. 'Tls stranee bow different are; Her father big aud grufï; Exclaimed it once- 'twas heard afar, And tbat proved quite enougb. -Washington Star. 100 Renard. The above reward is offered for any case of Kidney, Bladder or Liver Trouble that Gaarantee Kidney Cure fails to cure. Sold by all Druggists. Gl'ARASTEE DküG Co. 925 Toledo, Ohio She Knew. "Owing to the difference in its muscular devejopraent," aid the teacher of the clase in physioltgy, "the female arm is rounder than that of a man." The yonng woman to whom the remark was addressed blushed and besitated. "Y-yes'she said,"but men'.-; arma are sornetimeB very much round, 1oo.' Play Ing urda Tou can obtain a pack of best quality playing canis by sending fifteen oents in postage to P. S. Enetis, Gen'l Pasp. Aet., C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 111. Si?. 88 Beneatb onc inpl. Mr. De Broker - I aun a defaulter and I want you to defend me. Great Lawyer - Certainly, Mr. De Broker; I'll get you oñ all right. Have no fear. How many millions is it? Mr. De Broker (with dignity)- Sir, I am short only a few tbousand, and I hope to pay that some day. Great Lawyer (to office boy) - James, show this vile scoundrel the door!"--NY. Week y. To The Paclflc Coaat. Go to California via the through linea of the Burlington Eoute, from Chicago or St. Louis to Decver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colcrado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springg and Salt Lake, - through interesting cities and unsurpassed scenery. Dining cars all the way. 0 "Samantha," said Chugwater, hoarsely, as he tossed the newspaper away and covered his face with his hands, "can you bear a great shock ?" "What is it?" exclaimed Mrs. Chuewater, breathlessly. "For mercy'ssake, Josiah, don't keep me in suspense!" "Man out in Kansas predicts another earthquake," responded Josiah, picking up the paper agatn. Dr. Acber't KnKiisl Pilis Are active, effective and pure. For sick headacbe, disordered stomacb.loss of appetite, bnd complexión, and biliousness, they have never been equalled, either in America or abroad. Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, stands squarely upon a state platform which declares for free trade, fre silver coinage, free whiskey and a graded income tax; and every Michigan democrat is in sympathy with Campbell, and desires his election. By the way, that platform is the one common point of unity of the bifurcated democracy of Detroit. Possibly they might get together on hat. - Lansing Republican. Care Toaraeir! Don't pay large doctors' bilis. The best medical book pablished, one hun dred pages, elegant colored platea, will be sent on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay the postage. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. 2 The many New England people who have burned their fingers in Western land booms will envy Miss Nellie Hayden of Denver her phenomenal luck. Eleven years ago she was a salesgirl in a Boston dry goods store. She was persuaded to invest all her savings, amounting to $400, in Denver real estáte, and, by reinvestlng her orofits therefrom in suburban property she has accumulated a fortune. A DlsMaguished Reinedy. Dr. Hoxsie's Certain Croup Cure is the one and only sure specific for acute attacks to throat and lungs. This remedy was used with unfailing success among children for twenty years by this eminent physician, in Buífalo, N. Y. Wholesaled by leading firms in Detroit. 50 cents. Bradfield-s Fcmale Regulator. has won, on merit alone, a widespread and enduring reputation. It is a combination 01' vegetable agenta, the result of the experience of one who made the diseases of womerf' a life-long study. Taken according to directions the organs awake to new life and energy, leaving the woman free from pain at these Deriods. Soldbyall druggista. 0 That fellow Sillipate is the most inexcusable fooi I ever saw. Wink - What has he been doing to yon ? Jinks - A few days ago some one invited him to dinner at our boarding house. Well, eir, that idiot just praised every dish on the table and compllmented the landlady on her cooking until she raised her terms two pounds a London Tit-Blts.


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