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Srlos Danjcpr Threatens every man, woman or child living in a región of country where fever and ague is prevalent, sinee the germs of malarial disease are tnhaled from the :irand areswallowed from the water of such a región. A medicinal safegnard is absolutely necessary to nullify this danger. As a means of fortifying and acclimating tne system so as to be able to resiet the malarial poison, Hostetter'8 Stomach Bittere is incomparably the best and the most popular. Irregularities of the stomach, I liver and bowels encourage malaria; but these are npeedily rectified by the Bitters. The funotionsof digestión and secretion are asaisted by its use, and a vigorous as well as regular condition of the system proruoted by it. Constitution and physique are thus defended against the inroads of malaria by this matchless preventive, which is also a certain and thorough reraedy in the worst cases of intexniittent and remittent fevers. The Qold ml In SJlver Staten. Silver missionaries do not stick at an attempt to deceive the world. The most u n preceden led thing of the kind in the history of the United States has been the successiul conspiracy of a handful of men to control the members of Congress from four state, and the newspapers (generally) of those statep, in the support oí the free coinage of silver, in face of the fact that, in all of is conducted on the basis of gold alone, and not a note is discounted nor a bond ezecuted for the payment of money that does 'not bear on its face a atipuíation for payment in United States gold coin.- riiiladelphia Record. For Over Flfly Vt-nrs Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. o Canse and Effect. Mr. Fondlover - 1 am over neacl and ears in love with your daugbter. Sarcastic Parent (who is wealthy)- I wasnot aware of that. All the information I have had about yöu heretofore was that you was over head and ears in debt.- Texas Siftingp. A Rare Compliment. MissSurilax (toexceedingly awkvvard partner) - I think you are go much more sensible than my brotherTom. Wooden - Thank you, very much ; but why do you say so ? Miss Smilax- Why, he thinks because he can't dance he ought not to come to parties at all. - Life. Healtii is Weaíth! Dr. E. C. Wïbt's Kbeve ind Prain Trkatmjsnt, a guaranteed êpeclfic for Kysierla, Dizilnaie, Convulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headacbe, Nervous Prostration caused by the nse of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakefulness. Mental Depression.Softening of the Brain resultlng in lnsaoity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sez, Involuntary losse and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Biain.self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for I5.C0, sent by mail prepald on recept of prlce. WE UÜARA9ÍTKK SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by ui for six boxes, accompanied with 16.00, we will send the purchaaer our wrilten guarantee to refund the raoney if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Eberbarh A Sou, Drngirlsts and Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward ! WEwlllpaythe above reward for ay case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, CouBtipatlon or Costivenes? we cannot cure with West's Veietable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. Tbey are purely Veeetable, andnever fail to give Bttisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containlng 30 Pilis, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits ánd imitations. The genulne manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPAN Y, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by all Druggisto. CIDER I'HKNKRV.VTIVK. Cider kept sweet and fermentatlon arrested at any stage by nsing 4lCIUer Preservsllne." Thorougbly reliable, easlly applied and cheap. Does not impair taste or flavor. Absolutely harmless. Box sufflclent to treat 40 to 100 gallons of eider sent by mail postpald on recept of 50 cents. THE PRENERTAUNE HAXVr'O CO., 10 Cedar St., New York. Cheap Honejr ma the Laborcr. "Cheap money means lear goods." If by means of the free coinagO of Rilver money is made cbeaper, as the Peffers and Simpeons say it will be. then the farmer would, under free coinage, get a slightly advanced price for hiemilkand his wheat.but would be certain to have to pay a largely enhanced price 'or liisroceriee.hia clothing and everything he buys. Wby is thib? Becausewhat he selle he sells at wholesale, and what he buya he bnys at retail, and retail prices advance mach more rapidly and much further than wholesale prioes. Eighty-cent dollars ould be a great disadvantage to the laboring man, who would find it very hard to get any advance in wages, but would find tbat his groceries would immediately advance. It would be of no advantage to anj oneezcept the moneylender and the sharper.- Cleveland World. hëaeTt DISEASE, palpitation, pain in side, shoulder ana arm, short breath, oppression, asthma, swollen ankles, weak and smothering spells, dropsy, wind in stomach.etc., are cured by Dr.Miles'New Heart Cure. A new discovery by the eminent Indiana Specialist. Fineillustrated book of cures FREE at druggists, or address Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart, Ind. Solil by EBERB II A s(}. Mortgage Hale. Default having been made in the conditions of a mortgage executed by Emstine Roehm to Ann Marriott now deceased, bearing date May 21st 1888 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Waoktenaw county, Michigan, Jloy üind, 18S8 and in Ltber 67 of Mortgages on page 2M, by whieh default the power of sale contalned in said mortgafte became operative, and no sult or proceedlng in law or equity having been recover the debt secured by said mortg&ge or any part thereof and the sum of Twenty leven hundred forty eight dollars, ((2,748.00) being claimed to be due upon said mortgage, Notice is therefore hereby glyen that Baid mortgage wili be forcloeed by a Bale of the mortgaged premlses. therein described or some part thereof, to wit All the following descriDed landsltuated in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw County, State of MIehigan, viz; Commencing on the north line of lot number eight (8) block number two(2) southof Huron street and range tour (4) east, forty-three (43) feet east of the nonhwest corner of said lot: and running thence south parallel wlth the west line of said lot, to the south line ol said lot, thence east along the outh line of said lot twenty (20) feet; thence north parallel with wet line of said lot to north line of of said lot, thence west along the north line of Mld lot twenty (20 J toet, to the place of beginning; at public vendue on the eighteenth day of December next at lOo'cloct in the forenoon. at the east front door of the Court house In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw; that bcing the place of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Martha L, Smurtnwaite and Kir. ma Webb execiitors of the will of Ann Marriott, deceased. I'ated September 21st 1891. N. W. Chebver, Attorney. THE NEW WEBSTER Successor of the Unabrldged. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL J DICTIONARYy A GRAND INVESTMENT For the Family, the School or the Library. The work of revisión occupied over ten year, inore than a hnndred editorial loborer having been employed, and over ■300,000 expended before the fint ropv was printed. 80LD BY ALL B0OKSELLER3. A Pamphlet of specimen pages, illustratiuna, teatimopiala, etc., aent free by the publishers. Caation is Deeded in purchaaing a dictiona ry, as photographio reprints of a comparatively worthlesssditionof Webster are being marketed under various names, often by misrepreseatatiou GET THE BEST, The International, whieh bears the imprint of G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., PUBLISHERS, SPUINCFIELD, Mass., U.S. A.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register