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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisementa, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be lnserted three weeks for 25 cents. WATEI. WAISTKW-iiirl as helper', to Pant-rñaker _ agner A Co.. 21 S. Maln-st. 81 T1TA1KTKI.-A good, fresh Müch Cow. Woöd Tï Corn, Oats, Hay, Butter, Eggs, etc In exchangre for Household goods of all kinds. New and second-hand, at '2 E. Huroust. J.s Mann . 78tf W ASTEO- Lady wishes work by tbedayInquire at her rooms ovtr Warner's Grocery Store, Ann-st go YV,' I.E'-- foung man who wishes to lïeara Shorthand and Typewriting and pay for the full course by doing janitor work. A splendid opportunity for the right person. Enquire of S A. Moran. Register Office. 82 Three or four lady or Keutien en canvassere. to sell Domestlc. White aua Davis Sewing Machine. No previons experience required. Will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F, Schnh. tffo FtB SAI.E. 1PA"'n, FOK SALK.-12ÖAcres o[ ; Laml, six miles trom city, or will exchange for city property. Enquire at No. 8 E. Llbertv-st. 79tf olt NAI.K oh KK.VT-New house oi ten -l rooms, wiih all modern eonveniences. on Forest-ave. Apply to Henry Richards, Detroit-st Ann Arbor. gj ifWR SA1.K- Two good Coal Stoves andü r Charcoal Filter, at 51 E. Uberty st. 80 FOR -A íine Carriage Team. dark Cnestnut Mares, well matched, perfectly gentle and good drivers. Enquire or address Leonard Bassett, 23 Thompsou-st. Ann Arbor. 79 ) ACRE FAKM for sale at Whitmore Lake TJ Excellent soil, ood house, barn, and sheds Apply to Walter L. Tylor, 90 Broadway. Ann Arbor, Mich. S76tf FOB SA I.E.-Six room house No. 03 Mlllerave. This property offered chcap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore&Taber. 8tf ÏpARJI FOR SAfcE-TheBullockorEverett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, conlalniny 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber; school and church within amile; land naturally the best and in good condition. AIso IO-ac-re farm for sale. Thes 'of the east ot the s. e. qr. of sec 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part oi the HoweNorth place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid'p, one and a half miles from city limits. First class land for peaches. Pnces and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, :2 E. Washington-st Ann Arbor. Mich. eoii ' FOR BESfT. FR RESfT.-Tbe east half of the F. M. Hainilton block, on William Street near State Enqnire at 32 South 5tb aTe. 80 ' TOR REST- Elegant Parlors and a flne Suite l of Rooms. All tastily furnished. Furnace healed and lighted. Close to Campus. Parlors ïö.00 per week: Suite Í3.75. 89 Churehst. 79 LONT. LOST- A rthite Goat Robewiih fiyured liu■na'?,?on,Packard or Sth-rts. Finrter leave at 60 S. División and receive reward. n M ISE1.I. A M EOrs. W. BILBIE- Teacher of Violin. Pupil of "Saurat" Berlin. Germany. Rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Co.'s building, No. 51 S. Main street. 82 LL A few lady studente "can fljJVV earn flve dollars byan hour'swork For particulars cali on or address The Crescent Clasp Works, Ann Arbor, Mich. KDER for the Champion Weather Strips for Doors and Windows may be left at 28 N. S. Et., or address by card M. J. Furnum, city 80 IF you wish to advertlse anythine any where at any time write to GEO. P. RO WELL & CO No 10 Spruco St.. New York. 870-921 E V EITï one in Deed of information on the subject of ad vertiiing will do welltoobtaln t copy of "Book for Advertiaern,1' 368 pasea prfce one dollar. Mallod. postage paid on recSpt of price. Contains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class journals; glves the circulation rating of every one, and agood deal of Information about rates and other matters pertainlne to the bnslness of advertiiintr. Addrese ROWELLH ADVKRTISINQ BUREA Ü, 10 Spruce St NY 870-921 YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. OlIOOYlHCiL DEALERS IN Groceries, Crockery and Glassware OFFER THE FOLLOWING BAAGAINS: 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25c 3Í lbs. Sears' Best Crackers 25c 2 Cans of Salmón 25c 3 Cans of Corn. 25c 3 doz. Pickles 25c G Bars Kirk's Soap 25c 1 lb. Good Japan Tea 25c 1 lb. Crushed Java Coffee 25c 2 Cans Fine Table Peachea 25c Teas, Coffees and Spiges,Warranted to gíve Satisfaction, Pillsbury Flour, White Loaf Flour, Boller King Flour, and A. A. Milling Co.'s Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. O'HARA.BOYLE&CO. No. 1 Broadway, Ann Arbor, BARGAINS AT MARY F. MILEY'S I l'ASiCY i.ooits ART EMBROIDERY All Material for Fancy work Zephyrs Yarns, Germantown Wools, Canvas' Felts, and all of the Newest Designs in Fancy Work constantlj kept on hand. Embroidery and Stamping done to order. P. D. Corsets solJ. 20 E. WashinRton-st., Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Register