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BUSINESS OARDö. COME TO THE GREAT SALE - or - Millinery Goods I ZMEIELS. A.. OTTO, Everything must go. Come early wbile the assortment is large. Cor. Washington and Fourth Ave. MRS. A. 01 TO, MISS GRAGE HENDRICKSON, Pupil of Profs. LUDERER and YUNCK, Detroit, will give instructions on the VIOLIN. Particulars at residence, 72 S. State St WM. W. NICflOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Bavinga Bank opposite Oourt Hi -3e Square. j" R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, ÏM.'in, Micb. Money loaned for outeide partius. All Ie 'Al uslnefcs given prompt attention. 4 LKX. W. HAMILTON, A ttor n at Litn . ivm pracüeein both State and Unitod is e Oourta. Office Rooms, one and two, lat flooi o! te new brlck block, corner of Huron and Forcrth frtreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR d. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Eetimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. Rksidenci amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. WM. BIQGS. Contractor and Builder, And all kind of worli lu connectlon wltb tbe aboye prompt ly execnted. OT Shop Or. of Church-t and S. üniversity ave. Telephoue 9 : P. O. Box 1248. ATTENTIONT DO VOD WANT anythlng In the line of BANANAS, ORANGES, KK;S, CANDIES of all kinds, ICE CREAH , Finest OTSTERS in JKvery Style. 0gr Everything at Wholesale and ueiaii. Xi. & F. KOPF, 10 E. Huron-sl. CHOICE MEATS Cor. WasblnKton-st and Flftb-aTe. Our alm is to please our customen by alwayt fiandling the Tery Cholcett Meats that the market MM, M. P. VOGEL, DEAI.KR IN FRESH, SALT1SM0KED MEATS. AND GAME IN SEABON. 22 E. Hukon-St. Ann Arbor. TRUCK AJMf STORAGE. Row we are readv with a New Brick Storchouse for the itorage of Households, Planos, Books and BtoTes. Pianos and Furnlture carefullj moved. Allklndsof Heayy and Llght draying. FREIGHT WOBK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telepbone 82. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Milünery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Ererybody lnrited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, No. 23 N. naln-St. LUMBBR ! LUMBER! LUMBBR ! you contémplate building cali at FBRDON Lamber Yard Corner Fourth acd Depot Sta., and set our flffur for all kinds oí LÏÏMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and aruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS. JW-GlTe na a ealland we win mitke it „ o yonr interest, as onr larce and wU vrcMled stock rally sastalns onr uwr JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T.J.EHJCH,gqpt ï O 3S3 REWARñ-- L llnl IJ Female Pillis arn "" ■■ ■■■■■ safeand reUable; ontalns Tansey, Pennyroyal and Cottoa Root Wever feil. At drug stores, or bj mail, securelj lealed, in plain wrapper, for $1.00. I. N. Rked, Agent, Toledo, 0. Wholesale bj Willluis, Shklïi fc Bboqks. Detroit Mico. ;- ;MtcheirsKidney Piasters Abaíjrb all discaae in theTíidiií'ys iind A I f KStotethcmtoahealfhooodiUcn. cbranla kiJney v". ■■ o relief uotil t: ■}■ . ■ pctteix'S i:r i , ■. ■ v." ... .-, . . . iKeSRÉ?81H - 4LfllLiLk. andAPonb The Lsracat, Faatest and Flncat In the World. Passeneer accomodations unexoelled. 1EW YORK. LONOOND5RRY AND 8LAS60W Akchoria Noy. 7 Circassia Nov. 19 Ftjknessia. - . ' 12 Kthiopia " 21 Cetonia " 14 Anchoria 26 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-GLASS ANfl STEERAGE rats on Ioet terms to and f rom the principie SCOTCH. EH6USV, IRISH AND AU CONTINENTAL POUTS. Eiitiraion Tickets r?daeed. made available lo rf turn by either the Pitturesque Clyde & North of Ireland, or Nnples & Gibraltar. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS FOR ANY AMOONT at lowest curren t ra te. Apply to any of oor local aprt-nts.orto HÈNDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, III. JAMKN R. Iï H, AtPnl. DOUGHERTYS V CONDENSAD f4 MSNOEMEAT THE ORIGINAL ana ocly Complete and Sutlifnetorv Oondenaed Ml nee Ment in tbe Msrket. Oheap Snbstltutes and frmle Inillntlo.i are oflfered witb the aim to pretit by the DODular Ityof the New EnKiand. o not b deceived but Blwy Inslst on th{ ew JEiiitluud Brand. The best made. BOUD BYALL6KOCKKS. f" DOCTOR ACKER1I ENGLISH IREMEDÏI : will stop a Cough In one niM, ; ■ check a Cold in a da y, and CVZ2 i : Consumption if taken in time! IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVEÜ WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP i ü3k üss it Frcmptly. E : f X. ., BJ v% 's bottle -; ' 1 t '??!? fHlives. Ask; ■f ItTastesGol: [ pÜre"pinT pilLs." j ■Dr. Acker's English Pilis' CURE CONSTIPA TION. f ■ I Smnll, plettNant, u favorito w lt h ttae ladU-n. ; W. H. HOOKEIt t CO.. a West Broadway, N. Y. Z i..... ; 'MOTHERS Friend" makes ch1ld birth easy. Colvin, La., Dec. 2, 1886.- My wifo used MOTHEE'3 PRIEND before her third conflnement, and says she would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express oi receipt of price, 41,50 per bottle. Book " To Mothere ■ mailed free. BRAOF1EUO REGULATOR CO., Mit lc ar all ORuoaisTs. ATUUITA. a loosps extract CLOVeíbQssom CONCEBÍ1 ■ Femalo Weaktnss Sores Cícera, TuniorSf Abscesses Bloocí Potsonlng, Salt RheuiuCatarrh, Erisipelas, Rheumatism and alí Blood and Skin Diseases. Price i. per Pin', Bottle. or 6 Boules for $5. 1 Ib can Solid Extrae ksa J. M. LOÓSE RED, CLOVER COOETROIT. MlCH. Sold bv alldrugglsts. Asli iny asenta lr r. I . acias Sboen. ir nol for sale Inyonr place aalt jour dealer end for catalogue, secure ilie etiicj, and t Ibiiu for yon. HfïAKE NOSLBsTl'rt'TK. ja WHY IS THE" W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE CENTREN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a searaless ahoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best flne calf, stylLsM and easy, and beeause toe make m.ore shoes of thia grade tnan any other manufactvrer, it euuals handfidwed shoes costing froin 4.00 to $5.t)0. CJR 00 Genuine Haud-Hewcd, the finest calf P#a shoe ever offered for #5.üü; equala Freach lraported shoes which cost from $8.üti to 12.00. ÚÍA. 00 Ilautt-Sewed Welt rShop, fine calf, ■■ stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at tliis priee ; same grade as cuatom-niade shoes eostlng from $6.00 to (9.00. ffiO 50 Pólice Whoe; Farmers, Raílroad Men !#■ and Letter Carrlei-áatt woarthem; ñnecalf, eamless, smooth instde, heavy three solea, extensión edere. One pair will wear a year. ffiO 0 fine cnlf; no better shoe ever offered at PA thls prlce; one trial will couvince thos who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO U5 and flfj.OO VVorkiiieinairs hoes V-i are very stroug and durable. Those who have glven theni a trial will wuar no other make. pAUe' '.00 mul 81. 7 "5 school shoes ara ■vj ö woru by the boyseverywhere; theyseil ou theTr merlts, as the Increasing sales show. I nrlírkG :í00 fland-tteu-ed shoe, bost ■■■OW ICO Dongola, very Btylísh; equalaFrench Irnported shoes eostlufrotn SI. 00 to $6.00. LiiilicV ..'50. V,00 and St.75 shoe for Mistes are the best flne Dougola. Stylish and durable. Camión.- See that W. L. Douglas' name and prlce are staanpe J ou the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUÜLAS. Broekton, Moas. n KII.VIUKDTi iü. 42 H. Sf nlu Ut


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