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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the Genera, Banking Law of thia State Capital, $50,000, Surplus, $100,000. Total kets, $620,001, BuBinese Men, Guardians, TruJteea, Ladies and other pereons will fiml thia Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at which to make Deposita and do Businss. INTEREST IS ALLOWBD ON ALL SAVINGS DBPOSITS of $100 and upwards, according to the rules of the bank, and interest oompounded seml-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. SÏCÜEED BY DN1XCÜHBEBED &KAL ECTATK AND OTHEB GOOD SKCTMTISf. DIBEOTORS :- Ohrlstian Mack, W. W. Wlnes, W. D. Harrimau, Wllliam Deuble, Dvid Rinsey , Daniel Hisoook, W. B. Smith and I Gra ner. OFFIOERS : - Ohristlan Mac President ; W. D. Harriman, Vlo President ; O. E. Hisoook, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of buulness, May 4, 1891. RESOURCES. LJABIL1TIES. Lons and Discounts 1431.333 71 , o, t .„„_ Cnrrent expenses and taxea paid 2,288 15 Dlyldend nnpaid „ 366 CASH. DEPOSlTa Doe frombanks In reserve; A, ,i0 on Commercial dcpofilta....__.ll69,786 82 dtles - l "Mo SayinCT depositó. 456.635 90 Dueftom other banks and Í 178583 Certlflcatee of dcposlt.. 2848 68-643011 Checka and cah Items 229 80 R27.MÏ gr NlckeHand peanles. 141 5S 0T michwah, Ccmiy of Washitoatt. m. Silver "1.1 - "'""""."."'"i 4,'soo 00 I, Ohas-K. üisocxTt, Caahler of theaborenuoed U. 8. and Nat. Bank uoM... 15,958 00-137,066 06 Bank, do solemnly swear Uat the above sttle ment Is trne, to the best of mr knowledgera 182767 27 belief. CHAS. E. HiSOOCK, Csshler CoaEECT- Attest Chbutiam Mack, L. Gkünïb, Wk. D. Hakbihan, Directora. Snbscrlbed and sworn to before me, thi 9th day of May. 1891. MICHAKL J. KRITZNptary Public.


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Ann Arbor Register