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Reniarkuble Vitality of Seed. It has been claimed that the seeds taken frora ancient Egyptian tombs are capable of growth, but proof of the claim is lacking. It lias been demon strated, however, that seeils of a very great age are capable of development. Easpberries have been raised from seed taken from the Btomach of a man who died during the time of the Emperor Hadrian, who reigned in the Second century of our era. Think of it, a seed Bpringing into new life after lying dormant sixteen oentnries!- St. Louis Renublic. 100 K. uriril The above reward is offered for any case of Kidney, Bladder or Liver Troublfi that Guarantee Kidney Cure fails to cure. Sold by all Druggists. Guarantee Drug Co., 925 Toledo, Ohio nis Kevenge. Editor (to preacher)- All I got for my year's work is that barrel of potatoes in the corner, six stalks of sugar cañe, a bale of cotton and a load of wood. Preacher - You are fortúnate. In looking back over the past year I find I have received one black beaver, one suit of clothes, one pbund party and $7 in cash. But I will have my rèvenge. Editor- Your revenge ? Preacher -Yfis. Every man that I converted backslided and went to the devil.- Brooklyn Citizen. HealthjsWealth! Dr. E. C. Wèst's Nirv and Bbain Tbkatment, a guaranteed pecific for Hvsterla, Dizzlness, Convulsión, Fltí, Nerrom Neuralgia Headache. Nervous Prostratlon cauBed by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakefnlness. MenUl Depression.Softeningof the Brain resnlüng In insauity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In elther wz, Injoluntary Loeses and Spenaatorrhosa caused by over-exerüon of the Bialn. self-abuse or over-lndulgence. Each box contalns one morrth's treatment J1.00 a box. or slx boxes for ïd.00, sent by mail prepald on recept of price. WE ODABASTKE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by u for six boxes, accompanied with J5.00, we will eend Ihe purchïser our written guarantee to refund the money lf the trestment doen not effect a cnre. Quarantees Issued only by Eberbach A Son, Drnirliits and Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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