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THE NEW WEBSTER Successor of the Unabrldged. [ WEBSTER'S ] l INTERNATIONAL J dictionary A GRAND INVESTMENT For the Family, the School or the Librar. The work of revisión occupled over ten yeara, more than a hundred editorial laborera having been employed, and over 8300,000 expended before the flrst oopy wal printed. 80LD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. A Pamphlet of specimen pages, illustrations, testimoniáis, etc, sent free by tne publtshers. Caation is needed ia purchasing a dietioDary, as photographic reprints of a eomparatively worthlessednion of Webster are being markcf'd under various names, often by misrepresentation GET THE BEST, The International, wliich bears the imprint of G. 4. C. MERRIAM & CO., PUBLISHERS, SPfilNCFIELD, Mass., U. S. A. It Is NEW and CREAT. Blaine or Cleveland P AbeantlfulandvcryartlBtlcBtatuetteifnlllenirth) of BlainejClevelilmi.Harnfion.MeKmlcy.Whitnpy Flower.Uusk, JerrySimpson, Senator Péffcr.Gen's. Grant, Sherldan orSherman, Abraham Iincoloor Ooorfte Washington, Any one of the above deHvered toyou for one dollar. The fliure and baso makcB a pioce ten inchea ín helht. Send money or Postal Note. The best thinKforanents. Thousands being solü dailr. Canvassinir outfit free. Address LITRO. STATUETTE OKt'ICE, Boom No. 10, 80 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. HAMÍSTJ!.KFÜ,K'S CONFECTIONERY, Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, SANDWICHES, ETC. Ice Cream Soda During the Winter. HIHS2Ï & SEAEOLT, 35TO3. 6 JtsTJD 8 Washington Street, Ano , kichigan. Hw.v alwajs an hand a complet Stock oí BTer thingl-. GRÖCEM LINE! Teas, Coífees and Sugars All prime Artlc'.es bought for Cash and can aell at low figures. Oar trequent large involoe oí Teas i a sure tign that we gire bargalus Ín QUALITY AND PBIOB. We roast our own coffees eTerjr week, always íreah and good. Our bakery turna out the very ust of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and bate G. H. WILD, I Merchant Tailor Is showing the largest stock oí FALL GOODS. He has the flnest TROVSERING8 la Aun Arbor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock ot English Dress SuitingsJ All the latest Noveltiee can be seen at So. 3 Washington Nt., Mear Main. I W. F. LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS IN - MMl ú FR0TISIOH1 muss cooi: sraum. New Teas at 25,80, 40 and 50c. per pound Kettles, porcelain lined, freewith 1 pound Bakin Powder at 50 canto. China ware free with 1 pouud Coffee at 25 cents per lb. The best goods at the lowest prlces. Always full weight and measure. All goods fresh and warranted. Dellvered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 and 6 Broadway. JOHN BAUMGARDNER. DEALIB IS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds oi Building Stone! QEMETERY VORK ■A. SPBOIAtTT. Comer Detroit and Catherlne sto. ANN AEBOR. MICH. SWENlá B Apamphletof Information andab -O"" ■Xstract of tbe lavB,Shuwiig How toB ■ Obtaln Patenta, Oarenta. imAtJÉDs. ■fv Murka, Cupjriehts, tent int. MBO Add MUNN & CO.Í S.3G1 Broadnar. J2m HAMILTON'S Z2TSÜBA2TCZ, Real Estáte AMD Loan Ágency, No. 2, Hamilton Block, FIRST FLUOR. Partía deelrlue to buy or ell Real Sítate wiM fina lt to thelr adTtnUge to cali on me. I represent ten Firsl-Class Fire Insurance Cos. Bates Low, Losses Prom_ptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. I abo Iseue LIFE INSURANCE POLICIBS In the Connectlcut Mutual Life Insurance C. Ond Bundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for Bale. Office Hoürs- 8 a. h. to 12 m., and 2 to 5 r. m. A. W. HAIMILTOK. PgLBETTON'S.' N Qc. Bill CC EFFECTiVE. nBkT4. gox. Higbest TESTIHON1ALS. SJf . &t OniCïItl or MollLd on SL WINKELMAN &BROLVN &9 Drug Co Baltimore. Md. B HHñktfeH" A 1 SBIIS9 ThL Great Germán 1 m #19 US U.-.uiHChe CurewiU ftUí FMLiBlE ïï&arïrt fcrmB of heaOache. Peoplö vho have euffcred, eaj ItisaGod'B bloreinff BT%B9 to mankind. ' Pleasant to use. .No bad ■ '#■ effect. CurecertaiD ftnd quick. For sale by dnisrcietfl, or by mail 25 cent. laiNEADACHE PENSION$.'1= I Lost Discharges Quickly Duplicated. 18 Years EXAMINER U. S. Pension Bureau. D. I. MURPHY, - P. O. Box 534. Washington, P. C. 1 HlO rArCKattbe Kewspaper AuPei ti. W. AVIK SON. our autboHzed atreaL fcOLD KEDAL, PáSI.-í. ïfaïi, S. Báker&Co.s ídIBIÍDSSi Gocoa from which the excess o( oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it i Soluble. No Chemicals are used in ita preparation. It hus more than three times the strengtk oí Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adaptcd íor invalida as well as for persons ia health. Scld by Crocers evorywhore W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. The Best in the World. The "DAVIS' OVER HALF A MILLION IN ÖSE IOS TERKS, ETC., ADDRE88, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. DAYTON, O. CHICAGO, U.L. Capacity, 400 Machines per Day. NSW SHOPS Or THE DAVIS SEWIN3 KAOHIRI W AT nTTOlf. OHIO. '


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