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Tli e Western Settler's Cbosen Speelfie. With every advance of etnigration into the far west, a new demand is created for Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Newly peopled regions are frequently lesa salubrioas than older settled localities, on account of the miasma which rises from recently cleared land, particularly along the banks of rivera that are subject to freshets. The atiriculttural or miuing emigrant soon leams, when he does not already know, that the Bitters afford the only sure protection against malaria and those disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, to which climatic changes, exposure, and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. ConseqHently, he places an estímate upon the great houeehold specific and preventivo commensurate with i is intrinsic merits, and is careful to keep on hand a restorative and promoter of health so implicitly to be relied upon in time of need. Oho Kind of a Man. He eringes and bends to the menwho employ him, And meekly takes insults and slights, And never find fault vrlth the thmgs that annoy him. Or stands likc a man for his rights. But he can be arrocant, too, when he chooses To people Iiles chames have placed In his power, and his meek little wife he abuses V hen the cootiug is nut 10 his taste. "M.y Danifliler's l.ilc was saved by Hood's Sirsaparilla," Mr. B. B. Jones, of Alna, Maine. "Sne had seven running sores in different places on her body, but on giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla there was marked improvement and now she is well, strong and bealthy." To Avold Errors. Never judge a maidenbythe beauty of her hair Never judge a chappie by liis ever vacant stare; Never judge a banker by the jingle of hls ohange; Never judge a cook maid by the blacking on the range; Never judge a landlord by the smallness of his rents; In fact, in all tmngs keep your judgment ever in suspense. - Judge. It is with infinite satiefaction that I state the fact that Dr. Bull's Cougb Syrup has been long ueedin my family and always with marked success. R. F. JarviB, Chief Eng. Fire Dep't, Petersburg, Va. The Monroc Doctrine Sllll Holil. The Monroe declaration is still a vital principie in American diplomacy. Let European countries avoid monkeying with the affairs of Brazil or of any other nation of this hemisphere.- St. Louis Globe Democrat. To Vmiiijt Hotbers, who are for the first time to undergo woman's severest trial, we offer you, not the stupor caused by chloroform, with risk of death for yourself or your dearly-loyed and longed-for offspring, but "Mother'sFriend'aremedy which will, if used as directed, invariably alleviate the pains, horrors and risks of labor, and often entirely do away with tbem. Sold by all druggists. In the Ninorit.t . Local Statesman - "Good morning, Tommy ! What does yonr father think of the Republican nomination?" Small Boy- "I don't know. Pa never talks politics at home." "Indeed! Why?" " 'Cause ma an' grandma, an' Aunt Sub, an' the hiredgirl is all Demócrata.' -Street & Smith's Good News. Pi3 Inc Bril. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing carda by sending fifteen cents in postage to P. S. Enstis, Gen'l Pass. Agt., C. B.yfe Q. E. E., Chicago, 111. Fg. 85 He Was Full. "You can't come in, the house is full.'1 She cried. intent to guy him. "Oh, ash all right, me jer," he sald; "It ain't no fuller'n I am." Cnancery Notlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the twenty second Judical Circuit. Suit pending in the circuit Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw in Chincery. Julia Quackenboss. complainaut vs. Walter S. Quackenboss, defendant. Upon due proof by affidavits that Walter S. Quackenboss, defendant. In the above entltled cause pending in thia court. resides out of the State of Michigan and in the State of and on motion of Randall fc Corblo, solicitors for complalnant, it is ordered that the said defendant do appear and answer the bill of complaint flled in the said court within four months alter the date of tbis order else the said bill of complaint shall be taken as confesscd, and further that this order be publighed withtn twenty days from this date In the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper publlshcd In the aid County of Washtenaw and be publibhed therein once in each week for six weeks in succes. sioB: Such publlcation shall Dot be necesaary ín case a copy of this order be terved on the defendant personally at least twenty days beforc the time herein prescribed for his appearance. Dated this I3th day of November, A. D. 1891. E D. KINNE, Circuit Judge. Eahdall & Cobein, Solicitors for Complainant. A true "Copy" Attest: Arthur Bbow.n. 87 CHEAÏING 2M HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of Horse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp thrcads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that Á Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. jfÊÊ I Five Mile Ask #% Jl Boss for R Kmi Electric % JMft Extra Test % Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5,A STYLES t irice.s to suit everybody. If you can't gel them frura your dealer, wn'te us. Ask fof the iji Bnok. Vou can get t witliout charge, WM AVRES & SONS, Philadelphi. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time Uble taking effect Octoher 4, 1891. Leave Anr. Arhor from VouH Hmisc at 6.15 . -.60 a. m , and 12.50, 2:20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50. S.X, 9 50, 11.20. p. m. Leave TpsdamU at 6.00. 7.15,9 00, 10.30 a. m., and 12.30,2.U),3.30, 5.00, 6.30, 8 00. 9.30, 11.00 p.m. Scnday Time Table. Leave Ann Arbor from Cartrt Umut at 2;20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.,M. 8.20, 9 60 p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 2.00, 8.30, 5.00, 6.30, 8.00, 9.30 p.m. Car run on CUu Time Conpon tickets 10 ets. For sale by conductora. DETROIT Nov. lÓLh, 1891. I.ASI(j Al XORTHEKN K. R. GOING EA8T. A. U. P. M. P. M. Leave HOWELL 7 27 4 10 8 59 Arr've SOUTH LYON.... 8 0 4 50 11 PLYMOÜTH 8 30 5 U 9 45 " DETKOIT 9 25 6 05 10 40 GOIXG WKST. . A. M. P. M. P. II. P. M. Leave HOWELL JUNC. 8 55 12 38 7 23 6 45 Arr'veHNSING 10 05 150 8 18 8 05 ' GRAND LEDGE 10 30 2 3Ü & 40 8 30 " LAKE ODE-iSA. 11 10 9 15 " GR'ND RAFIDS. 12 10 „.. 10 15 " IOiSIA 1135 3 45 9 40 P. M. GREESVILLE.. 12 32 4 58 10 37 " HUW ARD CITY.. 1 10 5 35 11 20 CHICAGO Nov. 15th 1891. AD WMT MICHIST R'r. GOING SOUTH. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS. 900 12 05 530 830 Ar've HOLLAND 9 56 12 45 6 25 9 30 " GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 06 113 MUSKEGON 11 U5 4 15 7 35 10 45 OISG SOETH. i A. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS 7 25 6 17 Ar've NEW YGO 8 52 6 49 WHITE LOUD 9 171 7 15 " BIG R4P.DS.. _. 10 45.! 8 15 BALDWIN 10 2.' 8 31 P. M. "vSTr.} " Wit-R.} " TRAVERaE CITY „. 12 59 10 59 Parlor ('ars on all train between Detroit and Grand Raplds. Seats. 25 cent for any distance. Free Cbair Car between Grand Raplds and Man istee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:17 p. m The " Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Raplds and all points In Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DkHAVEN, General Pa8enger Agi-nt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ppa BaHüei!t Al IIKAD il- M L_MI[MS CUKRI by L_ I Peck's INVISIBLE TUBUlaKEARCÜSHIoNS. Whi8perB heard. Comfortable. Succeasiul where all Remedie fail. Hls. book and proof Tree Adfiress '. IIIhox, t3B Hroiulwnj, New York. PORTRAITS! IFYOU WANT A PORTKAIT FROM LIFE Free Hand rom Pbotograph, or any Permanent Enlargemeut, place your order at Cole's Sturtlo. Sampleof whose work are to be found in the homes of Mrs. Dunster, Mrs. G. S. Morris, Prof. A. Winchell, Mr. O. M. Martin and many others. Address, COLK'H STUDIO, 851 Woodward ve. Detroit. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward lor aay case of Llver Complalnt. Dyepepsia, Hick Headache, Indigestión, Constipatton or Costivoness we cannot cure with West'a Veeetable Liver Pils, when the directions are strlcily complied with. Thry are purely Vegetable, and never fatl to give satlsfac.tion. Sngar Coated. Large boxea, containlne 30 Filis, 25 cents. Beware of counterfelts and lmitations. Tbe genuino manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by all Druggiat. WursterandKirn MANUFACTURERS Oí Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleigh. Bepairing oi' all Kinds Neatly Done. Ratlsfaction G uaran teed. GIVE TJ-S A. TSIAL. SI, 23, anti 25 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mica. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, PBNOB POST8, MAPLE FLOORING, etc, alao And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BINDERS AVD UOWE&S, No. 9 Detroit St., - Ann Arbor, Hleta ONLY OF A DOLLAR N f A FOR O H1 ONE FULL YEAR FOR THE C"- AMERICAN r HRMNEWS, Among the Best of Agricultural Monthliet and the only one of Fint-Clan Quality, that costi so little. Don't lose a number, but icnd your 25 CENTS at once to the .flERIClNFlRnNEWS AKRON, OHIO. AGENTS WANTED - - Wditc foh TtM8. f%BUYSPOÜNDBAR (i: 5 m best c most ÍLCONQMICAL cm c Ca o. .S L soap j( . TOLEDO p, (ú AND J ft NÖRTH MICHIGAN) ? RAILWAY. i-- uJ TRAISf IjEAVK ASÍ JT AKKOR GOING NORTH. NO. 2. 7:40 A. M ThrooRh Malí and Eipre. 4. 11:50 p.m. Ann Arbor & Toledo Acooro, 6. 5:05 p. H Clare Passenger. Gonre south. No. 5. 7:20 a.m Ann Albor A Toledo Accom. 1. 11:30 a. H ..Clare Toledo Accom. 3. 9:20 f.m Through Malí. Central Standard Time. All trains dally except Sunday. Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and Toledo, only. W. H. BENNETT, Q. P A , Toledo. R. S. GRKENWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor N " The Niágara Fallt Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going E&st. Going Wset Mail 4.42 p. m. 9.a.m, Day Expreas .- 5.23 p. m, 8.40 a. m North Shore Limitedt 6.22 p. m. 10.19 a m. Chicago Exprenf 2.19 p. m. N. Y. & Um. Ext 9.45 p. m. Night Exprese.. 5.43 a. m. Evenlng Exprese 9 13 p. tu. Atlantic Expresst 7.45 a. m. Facifio Expreast 10.20 p. a Grand Rápida Ex 10.55 a. m. 5.5!p. m. - Daily except Snnday. - Baily except Satarday t Daily. O. W. RUGÓLES H. W. HAYB8. O. P. AT. A. Chíc&io Ai't. Ann Arbor. UNACQUAINIEOWIT-ilüEGEOGSAPHVOFTHiSCOUNTRÏWItLOSTAlk WUCH VAIUABLE MF08MATI0II KROM A STUOÏ OF THS MAP OF THi Cñicaeo, Ml iÈiii & íatíÍBy, The Direct Route to inii from Chicago, Joliet, OMavra, Peoría, I.a ShIIc, Kolfne, R.)tk Inlaiul, in ILLISO1S ; DavcniKiri, MnoatlBe, iMniutwa, Oskaloosn, D Müinps. WIntcraet. Áadubon, Harían and Council Bluffa, in IOWA ; HtnnupoUl and St. Paul, in MINKE8OTA; Waterloivu uikI Slum Falls, in HA KOT A ; Cameron, St. Joaepb an'l Kansas City, in MISSOURI; Omaha, I.lncnln, Fairburj aoil NKBRASKA; AtcUmn, Léarenwottli, rfi.rton, Tnjicka, Hutchlnsor., Wlchita, Billevllte, Abllene, Dodge Oty, Caldwel!. ia PCAK8A8; kinrli-iii-v. El l:-no and Mineo, in INDIA V TERKITORY: Denver, Coiorado Bpringj uil Pnph' ., in COLORA l)(. Tmveraea new ateas of rich farming and grazing land, ffordtttg the .'it facilities or inlerpommiinlcaUoti to all i.mni and citit-8 ut and irac, liorthwf-st and KHlthWeatLOf ( hlcago aml to Pacific and trans-weftiiic aeaports. MAGN1FICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS I'adinp all opmpetlton in s-lendor of equlpaient, betwoen CHICAGO and D1X MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS and OMAHA, and betwecn CHICAGO and DENVER, COLORADO SI'RINGS and PUEBLO, via KANSAS CITY and TOPEKA and via ST. JO8EPH. FirstClass Day Coaches, FREfi RECLININO CHAITl CARS, and Palace Sleepers, with Dining Car Serrke. Cloee connections at Denver and Colorado Sprlngs wifii diverging railwuy lines, now formlng the new and plctnresque i STANDARD GAUGE TRA.NS-ROCKY MOUNTAJN ROUTE Over which Bupernly-equipped trains run daily THROUGH WITHOUT CHANOE to and from Salt Late City, Ogdon and San Francisco. THE BOCK 13LAND is also the Direct and Favorite Line to and ton Manitou, Plke's Peak and all other aanitary and cenic resorte and clties and niiningdlstrictsin Colorado. DAILY FAST EXPRZSS TRAIN3 From St. Jornpb and Kansas City to and from all important towns. eitiew and swtions In Southern Kebraakï, Kansaa and the Indlan Ten-ltory. Also vla ALBEP.T LEA BOUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to Watertown. Sioui Falls. MINNEAPOLI8 and ST. PAIJL. connoctiong for all poènt" north and northwest betnen the lakea and the PaclBc Coaet. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or destred Information apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the ünlted Stat or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Manager, GnT Tkt. Pas. Ajt, CHICAOO. ILI .


Old News
Ann Arbor Register