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Lodi. Mrs. Wallace, who has been seriously ill, iselowly recovering. Will Eagan, of Owosso, is visitnig relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Veva Sage is teaching the winter term of school near Rogers' corner. Mrs. Lou Sweetland entertained Mrs. J. Laubengayer and Mrs. J. Heinzman, of Ann Arbor, lastThursday. The Misses Lon Rehm and Lydia Laubengayer spent last week with Kev. Mayerand family, ofFarmington. Milltn Miss Maud Reynolds will spend the winter in Bay City. J. C. Rouse will risit bis son at Homer, Mich., this week. Warren Babcock, of the agricultural college, is at home for a few weeks. Miss May McGregorcommenced her winter term of school in the Mead dietrict, Monday. Married- Walter Townsend to Miss Carrie Fullerton, Xovember 19, at the re8idence of Mr. Fullerton, Rev. G. E. Sloan officiating. Married- Charles Millage to Miss IJa Daniels, both of London, at the residence of the bride's parents, November 15, Rev. Jay Huntington officiating. The quarterly meeting at the Methodist church was well attended. Presidïng Eider Rev. E. P. Ryan preached a very eloquent sermón Sunday morning. SCiO. The winter term of school has begun in District 2so. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have returned from their visit at Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunn have moved on Mr. Drane'a farm near North Lake. Mrs. Foster Litchfield, who feil last Saturday night and cut an artery in the back of her liead, is convalescent. Mr. Frank Davis and family, of Superior, have moved into the house formerly occupied by George Bunn. Miss Nina Worth, of Spring Arbor, will spend the winter here id attend school. Miss Nina is a bright and popular little lady and will bea very pleasantaddition to the family of heruncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith as well as to the school. Christian Klager and family were surprised laBt Friday evening by about fifty youne people. A very pleasant time was had. Music was furnished by Sam Fay, assisted by Wade Vreeland, Joe Burkhardt and Miss V. Sage. Wliilmore Lake. Chas. Dalkey is at the lake renewing old acquaintancee. Miss Anna Rane returned from her visit with Ann Arbor friends last Saturday. Mr. White is moving his effecta to the Watkins farm and will move his family to the same soou. AUie Stevens will rebuild the rear portion of his hotel this winter and make other needed improvements. Torn Lavender returned from Colorado last Saturday. He has been there about three years and says the climate ib une, Dui jyucnigan suits nim better. John Weber's youngest son, Master Clarence, broke bis arm while playing at school last week Tuesday. Dr. Elias Smith is attending the case and will soon have the lad out again. Jas. Watkins was, owing to the rain, obliged to again postpone bis auction from the seventeenth to the twentieth, at which time be succeeded in closing uphis sale of personal property. Salein. The election of officersin he Knights of Pythias will be held a week from next Friday. John Siitherland, of Glencoe, Ont., wbo has been visiting bis sister, Mre.' Frederick, left on Monday for Sault Ste. Marie. A unión Thanksgiving service is to bis h.ld to-day in the Congregalional h, Rev. H. Shier.of the Methodist mlnation, preaching. Xhe military drama, "The Virginia Veteran," will be presented to a Salem audience by the South Lyon Sons of Veterans, in Haywood's hall, next Saturday evening. The Salem Maccabees will hold a social entertainment in their hall on the evening of December 3. The State prganizer and deputy grand commander willbe present. A number of ladies and gentlemen met at the residence of Dr. Tweedale last Monday evening with the view of oiganizingaChautauquaCircIe in Salem. Some preliminary matters were attended to, after which a half hour was spent in examining Dr. Tweedale's collection of prehistorie relies of the stone age. The company then adjourned, to meet at the same place on Friday evening of this week for permanent organization. tbelsea. Frank Glazier is in Chicago. Mise Millie Hepfer retnrned from Cadillac last Friday. Frank Storms and Miss Belle Chandler will be married to-day. Dr. and Mrs. Eobertson, of Battle Creek, are visiting at Aaron Durand's. Married, November 18, 1891, Wm. M. Yerby and Alice J. Conklin, by Rev. T. Holmes. Miss Aggie McKune left for Lansing Monday evening, where she has a position in the office of the Secretary of State. The Epworth League of the Methodist church tendered a very pleasant reception Friday evening to the various yonng peoples' societiea. Died, November 17, at the home of his son, George Rooke, of Berlín, Can., aged 74. Also, at his home in Lyndon, Mr. Patrick Hagerty, aged 80. Dr. G. R. Wright, a former partner of Dr. George Palmer, has removed to Pittsford, near Ilillsdale, where he will continue the practice of medicine. Married, November 17, 1891, by Rev. O. C. Bailey, at the home of the bride's parents, Finley Hammond to Miss Tena Mohrlock. Chicago will be thelr home. Cards are out announcing the marriage of George P. Wing and Miss Katie Hesselschwerdt next Wednesday. Also that of Fred Wedemeyer and Miss Hattie McCarter. The Woman'a Relief Corps will hold a fair in the town hall December 11 and 12, proceeds to be used in procuring a soldiere' monument, to be erected in Oak Grove cemetery. Sal I ii. M. S. Lawton entejtained a biother laat week. The chicken-pie solial at J. N. Cross' netted the Baptist Lfcrary fund $12.00. Oa Wednesday laai, S. B. Weinnett and wife left for thár new home in Muekegou. TüeLadies'Aid Society of the Baptist church were very hlmdsomely entertained at the home f Mrs. Gen. Coe on Friday last. Mrs. Alfred Bond lis returned from Kansas, where she his been spending the summer with hr husband, the climate here not agieeing writh her health. i


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