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Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. Wtk 18' ' ' IRtant Öii r . . - ■ :- r-n, e$l. liy W i5 I ;■- unples i_lli!jRln-..AMi-.""AXAKESIS," ■ ■ Ml BB xír Box -iiu, New Vork City. lflft 8ALA.RY and Comtnisslon to gjJUJ Agents, Men and Women, Teachers w w aud Clergymen to introduce a uew ana popnlar l....i.iril I.oi.k, MARVELS OF THE NEWWEST A n-w Aicent Hull 70 In one week Accnf prolils 8136.50. Over 350 original engravings. ■ o, loo copies sold in E WBKK. Exclusive territory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our country. Agents thoroughly mstrncted. Applyto 9"3 The HenryBill PublishingCo.,Norwich,Conn, IKNOWN. m [j Tliis Great Gcnnan Medicine is Wvcm, III cheapeBt and best. 128 doses o f SVL-W+ III PHUUBITTEitSforil.00,les3tlmn# "J 111 ono cent a dose. It will cure the,M t Q worst cases of Bkln dieease, iromff pn a common pimple on the tncQW f M IJlto tliRt awful disease Scroftila.# Ri IHsULriIUK BITTEK3 i tlrejf Illbest medicina to nsc In all# " UI cases of Rtich stublinrn aodfonr Kirt III ldc'p Boatod diseases. Vmjffm.,,_itn.],ut I II Ujuot ever take #of order. Use UI □ BLUE PJLLS ErHüBH Ulormprrm-y.tlicyaredcadir-511 ' '"■ "TB tttly. Place your trust in#y"aief"lk'?,ofl I Ijl the pureet a-.ul best#yJ use ■ medicine ever mudo. gaUnr Blt'rS ! U SlayonrTonneCoatedj r SS MwitliayollowsiTkyT'On'twaituntil youU Hl gubtiih. e? Isvourare unablctovaiktorTI ■llbrcatli foul ándjjfaro flat uu your back, ll HlolTensivc? VoiirJFbut get sorae at ojkc, lt etonia(-h is oiitwill cure you. Sulphurl III of order. VüKjJ Biltcra is HBirrKRS ƒ The Inralid's Friend.K ■""tomediatclyTTie yonng.the aged and mm 18 your t'r-tering are soon male well by ine tí s u.-c. Rcmcmbcr wbat you III ropy, clo-read here, lt may 8ave yoiir noy. orMwte, it has savea hnndreds. l gr MVou't walt uiiül to-morrow, I t?J a Bottle To-dayl Q 1 o" ƒ Are ynn low -spirited nj wiük, 111 a Mor Knttsring trom the oxccBses of III [11 SJyoutll? II Ml, SL'I.PIIÜR BITXKItóll lll Wwili cure i ouSentl 3 "2-cent Btmnpa to A. P. Ontwav & Co.. Boston, Mass.. for beat mutlicalvrorkpublishcd? "Wooiys Phosphodinb The Ctrrat Enxlish Bmedy. jSStttéitniw Promptly and permsnent Ik -j Kly cures all forms of NcrvM'JMa Bous Weahness, EmUaUms, Tui OlrÁS 'Prmatorrha. Impotency UmH, 401 end aü effeets of Alnue or AJrvW Ezctesti. Been prescribed ■cSK'over 3 years in thousands ■mBUIHor ixvs; is the onu .'d'iBeTore and Aflcr. abieand Honest Ju dtciru known. Ask drut;gist for Wood's I'uosphodine; tf he offers some worthless medicine in place of this. leare hls dishonest store, lnclose prlce in letter, and we will seud íjt return mail. Price, one packaife. tl ; slz, ( . One wUl pleaae, nix witt cure. Pamphlet ia plain sealed envelope, 2 stamps. Address mi: woon u ai. co., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit, Mtch. ld In %uu riMir I y ail responslble Dmararlitn. CïIook's Cotton Root MW&W COMPOUND. B l33lil A recent discovcry by an old vaS physlcian. Successfuly used ■ri v monthly by thouwmds of ■■ l Mr 4 Ladta. Is the only perfectly L T sa'e nd reliable medicine Lf discovered. Beware of un prlnoipled druitirists who ofH fer inferior medicines in place of this. Aak for Cook's (Jotp n Root Compound, lakeno substitute. or lnclose SI and G cents in poctage in letter, and we wtll send, sealed, by re turn mail. Full sealed particulars in plain en. relope, to ladies only 2 stamps. Address Pond I.lly Company, No S Fisher Block, Detroit, Mich ' Sold In Anii Arbor hj all reaponslble rtraKClBts. HANGSTERFER'S CONFECTIQNERY, Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, SANDWICHES, ETC. ♦ _ Ice Cream Soda During the Winter. it-Ál4 O Ha X ufe lÜiixI2U1j 1 Rfflfil VHi ■ W Rf M1S9VM ■! J 2STOS. 6 J-JsTID 8 Washington Street, Aun Arbo-, Mlohig-an. Hve always on hand a complete Stock or orerj thínglnt GROCERY LIÏ8I Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Artlcles bought for Cash and canaell at Iow figure. Our Ireqoent large involces of Teas ís a sure sígn that we give bargaius in QUAUTY AND PRIOR We roast our own coffeo every week. alwiyi treth and good. Our bakery turna out the very QM of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and feenae.


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