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BUSINESS CARDO. REML ESTÁTE AND INSURANCE OFFICE, O. 5 S . Main Bt, Aun Arbor. J. Q. A. SESblONS, - Attorney. Special attention giveo to Renting and Selllng Real Bnate and Flre Insurance. 81X INSURANCE COMPASIE8REFBE8ENTED Capital, 10,000,000. Twbnty-Five Ybaes Expkeience. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS i ver 3a vinas Bank opposite Oourt House Square. -, K. WIXXIAMS, VJT. Attorney at !. , Jliluu. Mleli. lloney lo&ned for outside psrties. All lenl uRÍneEfi given prcxnpt attenüoü. LEE. W. HAMILTON, A Itoruev at Uw. WjJ) practlcein bote State and Cnlted Biaie ünorts. Office Rooms une and two, lt floor ol ha iiew brick block. cu; uer of Hurón nd Itourtb atreeta. Aun Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. titUnateB lurniibed on all kinds of Architecture. Rmbiunci amd Bbop, 21 Geddes-ave. WM.. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, Aa all klndn f Work In -onnecMo wltb the aboye promptly execnteH. mar Btiop Cr. of Cliurcht and S. Cniyerelty ave. Telephone S : P. O. Box 124. ÁTTEÑTÍOÑT DO YOU WAXT aoything n the Une or BANANAS, OKA JTGES, FIGS, u 'tSDICKol Bit hlDds, ICE CBEAX, Finest OTSTERS lm Every Style. tjt ETerythlng at Wholesale and Kctali. ü,. & F. ICOI'F, 10 E. lluron-sl. CHOICE ME ATS i7V"Eiisrnsd:A.3sr's, lr. Wasblnffton-st and Fiilli-ave. Oui aim is to please our customere by always liandling the very Choicest Meats that the market afloiaBi niVlTPVOGELT DE.U.ER I' fRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AJÍ GAME IX SF.VSOX. 21 E. HurosSt. - - Ash Abbob. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Brick Storehousc tor the Btorago of llonseholds, Pianos, Books and Btovea, Pianos and Furniture carefully raoved. AD kinds of Heavy and Light draying. FR EIO HT WORK. C. E. O-ODFB33T' Besidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street, Teleplione 82. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Kterybody lnrited to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOQNSON, No. 23 N. Maln-St. LUMBBR! LUMBBR! LTJMBER! you contémplate building oall at PERDÓN Lamber Tari Corner Fourth axd Depot Sta., acd jfet our fliiur for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our owa Lumbei and truarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. MrOlve na callaml we wlH mak 1 1 m yonr interest, au ar large and wtill graded mork fally utln our aamr JAHBS TOLB1BT, Prop. T. J. KÏÏIU. Supi. ij L inf A Ie 8 1 Rowe' Frenck II U I Femate Pillis are ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■ safeamiivü.-il.ii-; eontalns Tansey, Peniiyrornl aml Cottou Boot Neverfall. At drng stores, or hj mail, smirel.T k-aled, in plain wrapper, for $1.0(. I. N. Rked, Agent, Toledo, O. Wholesale jj Wn.i.Tltm, Shelei i. Bbooes. Dstrolt Mlcli. ruif i unco t-ai receivcd a coin worth S7S. A man in Drange, N. J., I Hl picked up cst worth $12. Au lowa laóy cainr IV seros a (linie worth 9S4. A Kfttisaa furmer found in ■ ■" bis cash a half-dollar worth #4.7i. A Ttxas clerV jïft t quarter furwhich I inid ÍXO. above arir but a few f pbj eolna wrtb big priee, manyof which are found duJly . Al ffl AAiyOWANTEDl" I N N dolïar, 5.75 for 1853 quarter, iorVOO oUierklndH if as wquiivd. Send atmiip tnr partícula ra. W. K. fmiinncr, Sra WwblsttOD Strwl, Uoston, 9la. Jfy Mitchell'sKidney Piasters - - Absurb all diseaje in ÜMsKldne; f ' t reti-re tUnn to ahcaltliy cni;i! OU chronic kiilney r;C' : ' I tlicy :t no rclliif nptil i' : . -■- :.: rrtiiEr.r.'S kii.v l'l.ASTKKS. . ieverywhr,oreiitlj mal I ovltr l'laKlrr Wurk, l.uwell, Muu. Stopte 1 te Larie.t, Fatit and Flnet In tke WsrlO. Axciwrr UttomodatioiH imrxclled. MEW YORK. IQNOOHDÍRRY AND BUSGOW Cibcaeeia Pee. 5 Dkvokia Dec. 19 Ethiopia " 10 Ethioii.i.., ■ 28 anchoria " 12 NEW YOR. GIBRALTAR ANO NAPLES. SALOON, Cl A8S AN9 STEERAGE ratee onlowèt terina to amlfrom tbe pi inciule stolen, eicun. mis md na conmum powis. Eï.nirwion Ti-ket,s it-tinced, made avaihible to return by eituer the Plcturt-vque Clyde A North of lrvlmid, or Nanlñ A Uitiraltar. DBAFTS AND NIONEY ORDERS FO.R AKY AKOUNT at lowi'st curren! raten. Apply to .ijiy of mir lo-al i.y nts. or to HKNDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, III. JAMEN 11. U ACH. Agnt. : DOCTOR ACKERS ENCLISH REMEDYI : will stop a Cough in one night, ; check a Cold in a day, and CURE ; : Consumptiou if taken in time.! ■IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE i : WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP ék üseitPromptly.j : -L'tV-- A. 25 cent; : „v- , ft v, bottle may ; : VS vtlL'T'if-1savo their; ! k3ÍZ ' -■■ your : T 't it Tastes Good. = : 'pürV 'KVft' VKLï: I Dr. Acker's English Pilisniti: constipation. Z KiKi.ll, [leuut. ■ fuvorlte wllli the )alle. . ; W II. DOOKEU & CO., West Rroadwajr, N. Y. . i.. ......; Young Mothers l Wc Offer Toa a Itrmrdy tchlch Xnwureê Safety to Ufe ofMother mul Chüd. et MOTHERS FRIEND" Rot Conflnement of it Pain, Horror andltisk. Aíteruílngonebottleof "Mother' Friend" I iufTered but llttlo iiain.and diduutexperleuce that vealcness aftcrward usual In suoh cases.- Mr. akhik Oaoe, Lámar, lio.. Jan. ïstb, 1391. Bent by expres, charstea prepald, on receipt of prlce, 1.M per l.oiue. Buok to Uuttaera malled tree. BBAU1III.U BEGl 1,1'I'OK CO., ATLANTA, GA, SOLL) BY AU. URUOUISTS. LOQSE'S EXTRACT RED CWBLOSSOM Female Wcukm-ss Sores, Uloer. Tumors, Abscesses, lilood Puisuning, Salt JSIuciii: Catarrh, Erysipelao, Itheumatisni ami ali Blood and Skin Dtaeaseg. Price i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules for $5. 1 Ib can SolidExtru.5- J. M, LOOSÉREDCLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. sola bv aii druggit. Alk 111 .v niii'nt lor V. ■ . IXHixlMk Sll. 11' lorMllrilllliirlnirnhk your li-'Ur fo citfi tur ilHloBne. Ñecurr ihe nny, ■ jii 1I11111 for yon. ITAKt NO StBSTl'TLTE. JA W. L.WDÖUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTEN THE BEST SHOE H THE WORU) FOB THE NONET It U a seaipl? ss Htioe, with do lacks or wsx thread to hurt the roet; nuule of the bet flae calf , stylish aiid easy, tmd beeausc t vuüne more shoes of this iradê than any othtr matittj'acturér, It equals bantlsüwed ühoes co&tlng froru tl. w to $ü.uU. CigS OOGeuuiue llaud-Hevedt the flnort calf Pwi shoe ever offereU for $5.uu; equaU FreucU lmported sboes whieb eoc f poiu 3.00 to $12.00. 4t Á OO l!and-?M-wMl Welt Khiet Que calf. iPm9m stylish, eomfortabk' ami durable. Tbe best sboe ever oftered at thif prlce ; sanie grade as cuntoiii-madc shocs costlng tnmi ftrí.UJ to $y.U0. ffo 50 Pólice Shoe; Farmerj, Kallroad Men 1O and Lettfi-l'arrit-rsuli weartbem; Úueculf, fttíumle-í!, smooth kudde, tu-avy tlireu soles, extensión edite. One pair wlll wear a year. ffiO flue calfi no Ix-tter shoe ever offeretl at 9Ca thls prltic; one trüil vil) convlnee Uiosc wbo want a ghoe frr oon.fort and aerVlee. DO -" uud S'i.00 Woihiuuinan1 shoes P&a are very troug umi durable, Thoeè fho bave gíven them a tri;i! will wt-ar no otheriJiake. QaVC' Í5.#0 áuil L1.7 a school ■hoen are DUJd worn bytbe boya every wbere; tneysell un their iiierit.s, u the iDcrewlng sales abow. ■ oiJÍAeM.mi lltiiid-Mcwed tíwe, best kali IvO Doasola, venrgtyliah; equulsKrcnch uiipuriiMl Bboea eoit]uy íruni km to 86.0U. I.iidicV tí.5ü. .O and 1.75 shoe for íi■.■;.■ thebesi Fine Üoagola. stlihund durable. Cantion- See tUat u. L. LHtUKlas' name and prlre ure .itauipf ! oo the bniiinn nf tach shoe. fí. i., Brockton, Mass. WI. KHMIAKDI ÍO., 49 R. Main Sí A 1 L fc. 1 It Cores Coucha, Coldi. Soro Throat, Croup, WhoopiflLf Cough, Bronchiti &ud Altoma. A crruún cure rbr Cocsomption Ín firat llares, ui ■nrarelief ín adranoed ttacea üMatoace. You wiUteetheexoellenteffect fter tkiaf the flrtt doM. Sui br dejen ercrTvber. Lrf tut, Ui MM uid ti.ÜO. H Curva loflueuza.


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