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Trains Collide

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MAXoLED IN A WlU.lK. Toi.KUO, 0., Nov. 30. - A passenger train on the Flint & Pere .Marquette road crashed into the rcai' of the Lake Shore express here Suturdu.v uight, causini the deuth of seven persons. Three were killed outrifrht and the others have sinee died of their injuries. Ia addition a score of persons were badly hurt The dead are: Mrs. Sarah McCoy. Rutisom, III.: Uvo ehüdren oí Mrs. M. J. McDonald, ut New York: II. Vaughn, San Francisco. CaL; Thomas McQueen, Elkhart. Inil ; Miss Ella Myers, Cleveland, O.; Maude McKeazle, aged !;. Chicago. The body of Miss Meyers has already been sent to her home in Cleveland, but the others still lie ;rt ihe undertaker's here. The most serloualj injared and in a precarious condition are: Mrs. John Toll.i, O.: Warren L. Potter, Des Moines. Ia. ; Mr. J. A. MoKenzlo and daugbter Pearl, ot I ! .imcs Ludwlg, Peoría. HL; John r .it Bourne, Mass. The most of these are betoft oared for at St. Vineent's hospital. The Pere Marquette train is due in Toledo at 4:53 and the Lake Shore followsat i:.:. From Air Line .lunction tlte trains the saine truck. Saturday niht the Lake Shore was seven minutes late and the Pere Marquette train nine minu'.es late. The Lake Shore train pulled down from the iunction ahead of the Marquette, thougfh there was but little room between thein. About 40 rods from the nnion depot is a tunnel 50 feet long'. The Lake Shorw had gone nearly through this witli its seven heavy vestibuled parlor cara and the day coach on the rear uhen a freight ahead made it pull up. The brakemaa ran back to give the sigtoal to the Pere Marquette enyineer but it was too late. The ti-ains were to. close, The engineer and liieiniiii of the oncoming- train laid down in their cab and crashed tlirough tlie iliuily lifhted tunnel Into th' rear of the Boston and Chicajro special. The lay coach was split in tuain: tlkn enirine plowed throujth milil the rooi of the car made a cover for the clear up to the cab. The sten in escaping in volumes liiil the w.-rk from the view of bif orowil which had run oit of the stores, saloons and houses on the high bank ulong whieh ran the streel above. Wiss Dollj Pisher, the daughter ui' Qealth Omcer l'isher, maddened by the pain of the scaldinff Bteam, leaped froui the window and was cut and alightly bri'ised. The engineer of the Marquette train was a new man on the run. When found tlie lever was almost perpendicular and not peversed The engineer could not be íouiilI aml the lireman, too, has nut boen seen since the wi'eck. An investiffation will be made at once as to the cause of tlie wreek, and the Lake Shore officials will gee if it is not possible to maUe the Fftre Marquette people pay the Uamag'e inenrreü.


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