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Michigan deer now have lejfal protection agatn. Gideon Besson, a caxpenter, was killed al Lake Linden by i collapse of a pieec of trestle vork. Mrs Timothy Swarbrick, who caine from England in 1885 and liad .uce resided upan :i farm in Kutavia townshlp, Branch coanty, died at the of T4. Biogwood'a livery liarn a liurued n Bay City. Lose, 91,200; irsui-ance small. 'l'wo liorses ero lmrned. Mtehigan's eiguí product the past year was 118,000,000. Alta F reculan, ilu' S-yer-üld daughter of Clan-nee Freeman, of Farwell, choked to death vvliilc eating ohestouts. John Hanuivi-. a former resident of Bronson, wa-. killed in the railroad aooident on the Lake Shore near Bnglewood. Hl. The scbooner Mediator, l";i led vvith lumber for C'hic.iT". waadrWen m Pettie's reef. ncarSl. [gnaoe. John Powers( living near Clare, was said to be afBieted with leproj of a ma'iguant tri ■■, In i colli Ion Uetweeu thi two parta of a frátjrht brain un the I.akc Shor road near Billsda'eSamael Cn.lerwoodj a ■brakennn vm-, killed. Qeorge A Har.liker, usbistani fr-ighl agent of tbi (rand Trunfe Bailroad Corapanv ai Detroit a said to be an embezzlpr to the amount of S8.000. Dan J. Pratt's jewelrj store ;it .la;kon was brokea ínto while üi : proprietor ñas al upper and a quant i ty of Jewelrj and ioi nratchen wcre t-ñlen. SDO. Willíam II , i,, the h-esque Ul couaty man iw w;ts murdired tty a a druukotí r.,i. . ixua the fa.thcr of eighteeu i ho ar,' all onxtoni i" aven-rt' bis dentli. Urgcl Beaunclunan who hat been upon u Flint & Pere lian vaj r-.iui. iias inventvl h car thal is de.stined to brinhiiM a fortune Hurrv 1'. MerrilK ■ prominent citizan of li'.i.v ('it v. : ii-l of coDffehtion 'A th lung'.x. He had been i n tho lioU-ale yrocery business ím seventeon yeara A Wlíe, son :uni il:ni:flitcr survive him. Tho Infanl ebild of Mr. and Mrs. VVU1 Kingsley, of llollv. inel dt-ath in a mttnner. l( Ín a siiKill huir in the yard that liad been dng by r dog, and ítsclbthingfell orer opening. tlm sUuttinj out th klr and (miin;r it to suffocaU1.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register