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BUSINESS CARDO. REAL ESTÁTE ANO INSURANCE OFFICE, No. S H. Main St, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SES8IONS, - Attorney. Bpcclal attentlon glven to Reuting and Selling Kea! Estáte and Fire Insurance. UX INSURANCE COMPANIE8 REPRESENTKD ii.ltil, $10.000,000. Twenty-Five Yeaks Experience. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt Houee Square. R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Milán, Mlch. Money loaned for outeide parüee. All legal uelnesF gifen prompt atlention. T.BX. W. HAMILTOH, itiontr at Law. WU practico Ín both Btate and ünlted State-, Oourtí. Office Roomi, one and two, lit floor o( he new brlck block, córner of Harón acd Pourth Icreote, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Lüiiiatc(s furniíhed on all kinds of Architecture. Rhtoknci amd Shop, 21 Geddes-aye. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, Aad all kinds of vork In eonneetlon wlth tbe aboye promptly execnted. V Shop Cer. of Chnrch-Bt and S. DnWereity ave. Telephone 9 : P. O. Box 124a ATTENTION I DO YOI' WAirr anythlng In the line of BANANAS, ORAKGES, FIGS, CA1ÏMF.S of all kinds, ICE ('KEA, Finest OT8TER8 In Every Stjrle. W Evervthing at Wholesale and Ketall. Xi. & F. KOPF, 10 E. Hnron-st CHOICE MEATS Cor. Washington-st and Flflta-ave. Out alm Is to please our castomers by alwayt uandllug tbe ver; Cholcest Meats tnat the maiket afiorde. M. P. VOGEL, " DEALER IN FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND AME IN SEASON. 22 E. Hdron-St. - Ann Abbob. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Brick Storchoune lor the storage of Honseholds, Planos, Books and Stoves. Pianos and Furnlture carefully moved. AU klndsof Heavy and Llght draying. FREI& HT WOKK C. E!. OOIDFie.3ï!-5r Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telephone 82. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:- Miilinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Everybody lnvlted to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, Ko. 83 N. Mnlit-'. !. LUMBBR! LUMBBR! LUMBBR! you contémplate building cali at FERDON Uer Yard Corner Fourth aa.d Depot Sta., and set our figura for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our onn Lumbei and sruarantee VBRY LOW PRIOES. veive as a all md we wlll tnake It to y oor Interest, as omr larce and rell 8raded toelt fully sostalns mr aaaer on. JAXES TO1BEBT, Pr. T. J, UEECH, Sapl. ■ ■ ■ n II Kfiiuile Pillln are ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■ "W safeajidrellabli?; Kintain Tnsey, Pennyroral and Cotton Root Wever lafl. At drng stores, or by mal!, securely :led. In plata wrapp r, for $1.00. I. N. Reeb, gent, Toledo, O. Wholesale by Wiluams, Skelïï ft Bhüoks. Detroit Mleh. run 1 uraco rsa,' I UI nectved coio worth S75. A man in Orange, N. J., I ■■ plcked up ft eot wortk f lï. An lowa lady came I MM cr &dime worth Í34 A Ksnau farmer found in """ hitcaeh hftlf-4ollrwnrth 4.7. A Te- ck rk got ft qoarter for which I ifljd !. The tbove ftre but few f pmt ! worti. bis prkm, tiiuy of which arefoum) dI!v. Al II Amláf WANTED .!-■ f ' :- M dollar, J.76 for 1S53 quarter, ULU UUII1 %0 2i;.rIKW:i-t..andBI?Prlr tor 900 tWrftLtit if as requirM. 8nd itfttnp for particnlaro. W. K. XLIr.iv, r, :id Waahiogton 8trvi-l, Bo%to, In. .? Mitcbeli'sKidney Piasters -- ■ - - Absorb all dlieaie in thetildneye aiid ft " restore them to a hcalthy coodltioc. Af Oia chronic kidney eufft-rers ay I ) OT got no relief nntil tlif y 1 . I WTCIIEU RIIIMV PLASTEKH. I y Imgt;liitererywhere, or Bent by mi! fnr SCt .Nuvtlty llt.'r Workli LuvU, JUujm ffTORüffa The Largtut, Faxtort and Flnot In the World. Rt;Intiolls unexeelied. EW YOrtK. 10ND0HDCRRY AND ClASSOW' Ethiopij " 10 I r' vi.sia Dee. J9 ANCHORIA " I " 2 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SA100N, SECOND-CLASS ANO STEERAGE ratfieonlo'-vfottcrmH to nnfif mm the principio SCOTCH, ENGUStt, IRISH AND All COIfTIKERTAL POITS. EnmrBíon Tickets niiuced, mode availableto retm-n by either the Plcturesqne Ofyde & North of Ireland, or draftsandkWeVoroersfoí?ahyamouiit at lowest eurrent i Apply to itny of onr local ap-fnts, or to M6NDER5ON BROTHERS, Chicago, III MMES R. K II. Agent. TthFkÏIöT OF ALL i COUGH CURES; DOCTOR ACKERS ENCLISH I Sold in England for Is. 1H&., and in America for 25 cents a. bottle. IT TA8TE8 GOOD, e Dr. Acker's English Pilis: i Core Sickness and Headache. ; Sll. pleautnl, n fnvorlte wltta 1U ' lmllf. ! W. H. HOOKE'.i & CO., NEW YOltK. lulu" luniiiu ■■■■; Young Mofhers l We Offer Tou a Jtenudg tchieh Insuret Safety to Life ofMother and ClUld. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Robe Conflnement of it Pain, Horror andliitk. Afterudngonebottleof " Mother'n Frtend" I uffered buc lictle pain, and tiui not experienoe that . veakDea afterward usual In such cases.- Mr. akiiie Qaoe, Lainar, Mo., Jas. IStb, 1891. Bent by expresa, charges prepald, on recJpt of prk'i', (1.50 per boctle. Book to Hotben malled Int, BBiDl'IELD BF.OlIi.1 TOU CO., ATLANTA. GA. BOLD BY ALL DRDGQIST8. LQOSE'S EXTRACT CLoraossoH Female IFeakness Sores, Cícera, Tuuu.i , Abacesses, Bloud rmsomng. Balt Klit'u,. Catarrh, Erytiipelas, Rheumatism and :!1 Blood and Skin Dineases. Price $i. p. Bottle or 6 Bottles for I5. 1 Ib can Soíid Exir.. H-50. J. M. LOOSE REDnCLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. soid bv aii drugKits. Ak my neen 18 lor W. f . Bnuelns slioH. ir hoi for sale In y onr place aMk yoiir dealer to send for iíI.1ku'. HPfurc Itic ngency, and get tnem for yon. HTTAHE NOSIJBSTrïliTE. JU WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENTEN THE BE8T SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY ? It Is a Mftmless staoe, wlth do tacke or wax thread to hurí the reet; made of the best flne calf, etvllgh aad easy, and because we make more shots of this grade taan any other mdnufacturcr, lt equals banclBewed sboee eostlng froni $4.00 to $5.110. tftfE OOGenuinu Ilaud-Hewed, the finest calf v5li shoe ever offered for $5.00; equala French import ed sboes wbich cost f rom $S.Oo to $12.00. A 00 Hnnd-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf, 9mTm stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at thls price ; same grade as custom-made sboes oostlng f rom $6.00 to $9.00. ffiO 30 Pólice Sho1; Farmers, Kallroad Men P w ■ and Letter Carriorg all wear tbem; fine calf, Beamless, smooth Inslde, heavy three soles, extensión edge. Oue pair will wear ayear. CO 30 fine eïilfj no better shoe ever offered at v this price; one trial wlll convince tbose who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO L5 "d 9.00 Workingmani sboes PB are very strong and durable. Those who have glven tbem a trial wtll wear no other make. DrtVc' '■i.00 mul $1.75 school shoes are DUID worn by the boyseverywbere; tbeyselt on theïr merits, as the Increaalng gales show. I aHÏAC- Ilnnd-ftpweri shoe, beet mmEM U ICO Dongola, verv Btylieh; equals French lm port ed boes oottqg f rom 4.00 to $4.00. l-iidicb L.50, S2.00 itiid ftl.?5 hoe for Mlsses are tbe best fine Dongola. Styllab and durable. Cantion.- See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stampei! on the bottom of each sho. V. L. DOUOLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM. KKIMIAHIM &- CO.. 42 S. Main Nt. Xt Cure Cooclu, Coldt, Bore T hrott Oronp, ▼fcflnf Coughj Bronehiti %ul AfftH. loemln enr ta OonsamptMB la firtt uew, ud nn af in dvno4l tafes. Uniim(. You willtethexMllateffct Uki&ff tlw fixtt doM. m by a-lew CTTrwfcew. lTf hiMiim, L0 WW U4 $1JJQ. Jf Curtí lïifiöfcU.


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Ann Arbor Register