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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1889, under the Generai Banking Law of this State Capital, $50,000, Sarplm, $100,000," Total kets, $620,006, Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persone will find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Plevoe at whioh to make Deposite and do Businse. INTEREST 13 ALLOWED ON ALL SA VINOS DEPOSITS of $100 and upwards, according to the rules of the bank, and interest oompounded semi-aunually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $6,000. SKCUBKD 1Y CNJNCTMBEBED REAL ETATE AND OTBKB OOOD SICCKITIin. DIRBCTORS :- Ohristian Mack, W. W. Winee, W. D. Harriman, William Deuble, Dvid Rineey , Daniel Hiaoook, W. B. Smlth and L Gruner. OFFIOBRS : - Ohriatian Map President; W. D. Harriman, Vioe President ; O. E. Hiaoook, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, May 4, 1891. RE8OCBCE8. LIABIUT1E8. SÉÍÍÉfl SKfe==i m expensa and taieapatd 288 15 Dividend, nnpaid _ .O CA8H. DEPOSITO. Duefrombankslnreervef11m u0 o Commercial deposita. „..1169.78 82 dÜe- t w eaving depoiti 465.685 90 Dueftomotherbankiandi i7g5 Certtflcate of depodt 2848 58-643,87130 Check and caÜ"itemt'."... . 228 SC 1827,57 2T Nickel and peantea 141 M g,-ATE 0F Michioak, Coüntv of Wajshtkkaw, ga. Gold coln........ 15,000 00 ' 8UTer " „ _... 5,800 00 I. CHAs.E.Hicocx,Caehier of theabove named C 8 and Nat. Bank noie... 15,958 00-187,056 06 Bank, do solemnlr iwear that tbe atxve Rtat ment 'trae, U tne beet of my knowlcdxe aixi Í8a7,567 27 belief. CHA8. E. HISOOCK. Caffiiei. Cobeect- AtteBt Chriotian Mack, L. Gru.ner, Wm. D. Hakp.iman, Dliectors. Subccribed and sworn to bcfore me, tbls 9tb day of May. 1891 MICHAEL J. FHITZNoUxy Pabllc.


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Ann Arbor Register