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Mr. and Mrs. Allison areentertaining friends from a distance. Mr. Daniels lost a fine horse from pneumonía, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis are rejoicing oyer the advent of a boy, whicli event occurred, November 29, 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker, üörember5th.a(iirl."Cingratulation8." Grandfather F-illaday says everything squeaks lovely and he will stand provost guard. HridKwalr Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Palmer are now making their home with their daughter, Mr?. Arthur Lowry. Frank Logan has rentpd the farm lately owned by the late Z T. Starr, of W. Hess. Mr. Munson, who has been its resident for several years, will leavo in the spring for the norlhern part of the state. Ribbits are very numerous n this section.or the late snowfall made thcm an easy prey to the hunter. Two Nimrods were seen traversing toward Manchester so kden with the bunnies they were obliged to string them on poles, which they carried between them. Hilan. The Presbrterian church is being repaired. Skunk raising is one of the new cnterprises in Milan. Mrs.F.Case and daughter, of Lanibfcïl ville, returned home Wednesday. Rv. Jay "Juntington attended lh Baptist Bunday-school convention at S.iline Friday. Mrs. Day left for Ludington Wednesday to viBit a sister who was very ill and has since died. Mrs. O. E. Leonard entertained the adies of the Presbyterian Aid society Tue rday' afternoon. Mr.and Mrs. Fuller will move to Yjeilanti in nnle of weeks. Mr. tui Ier will enter the state normi-i. " Wiley Dexter and family will move to Ypsilanti after Christmas, where he intends sending hip daughter to school. H has rented his farm on Dexter-st to parties from Adrián. The Ladies' Union Home Missionary society met at the Methodist cburch Thursday afternoon and elecïed the following officers: Piesident, Mrs. H. A. Vincent; vica-presidcnt, Mrs. Emeline Fuller; secretary, Mrs. M. A. Palmer; treasurer, Mrs. M. Wallace. Websier. Tases received Friday at the town hall, and Saturday at Dexter. Mrs. Alva Litchfield died last Wednesday of paralysis. The funeral services were held Friday. The Webster Farmers' Club meets this week at the Congregational church, The annual eleciion of officers takes place. The Sunday school missionary society holds the "American Home Mis sionary Rlly" nextSuaday. Everybody is invited. Mr. Sage, of Ann Arbor, has ovganïzed in this place a sioging school, which meets every Friday evening at the town hall. There will be an oys'er supper at the residence of Waller Reed, Webster, Saturday evening, D cember 12, for the benefit of the Metf.odist uhurch. The missionary tea, which was postponed on account of the death of Mrs. Lawrence Olsaver, is announoul for Wednesday evening at Alonzo Olsaver's. The Webster Reading Circle meets this week Friday evening at Mr Queal's. The program consists of a siudy of the life of Washington Irving and also one of bis best creaiionsin the Sketch Book, viz, Rip Van Winkle. Wbltmore Lake. The ice has all disappeared from the lake owing to the late warm spel!. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, of Chelsea, were guests of Miss Anna Rane over Sunday. L. J. Stiles and lady vislted at Wade McCormick's near Walsh Cornerp, last Saturday. The Epworth League will meet Tuesday eveuinus at the church each week until furtber notice is given. Mrs. Jenntngs was in her old place in the choir Sunday morning. She will attend wben services are in the morning in the future. D. F. Smith and son, of the Clifton, have issued cards for a grand New Year's party, Friday evening, January 1, 1892. Music by Wbitniore Lake band. There will be a social in the interest of the Methodist chnrch at G. M. Fields' in Green Oak, on Tliursday evening, December 10. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. School report for Dntrict No. 2, Green Oak, for the term commencing September 2l,ending November 27,1891; Average number of pupils enrolled, 17; average per cent. attendance, 93-5; daih averge attendance, 15 9; not absem durinx terra, Lena Olsaver, Jobnnie Butterfield; Willard Starks, teacher. Sclo. Fred Peters, of Cl icago, is visiting bis parents bere. Mrs. Mary H.iwkins has been visitine friends in Detroi'. Miss May Peters has been visiting friends in Ypsilanti. MrB. Win. Elüot has been the guest of Geo. A Peters and family. Wm. Dickerson and wife have returned to their home in Wayne. J .mes Quigii has returned from a three monihs' stay in Marquette. The six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Wingr diedlast Thursday of congestión of thelungs. Miss Mary Roney, who has been visitiHg friends and relatives here, has returned to her home in De roit. Mí-ís Ella Nizon and Miss Anna Hughes attended the Washtenaw County Teachers' Axsociation, held at Ypsilanti Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Emmons, Mrs. Smith, and L. C. Hurd, of Jackson, M. Preston and mother, of Grass Lak.-, Robert Boyd and Mrs. Buchanan, ,o( Cuelsea, attendert the funeral ofthe late Mrs. Alva Li tch field. Mrs. Alva Litchfield, aged sixty-three years, died last Wednesday of paralysis. Mrs. Litchfield came to the state in 1858, and has resided here until the time of ber death. The deceased ieaves one son, Albert Litchfield, of this place Mallne. Mrs. Alfred Miller is visiting her sieer at Owoseo. Miss Kittie Sauer spent last Sunday with Miss Ada Liesemer, of Ann Arbor. The Farmers' club meets on Friday, 3ocember 11, with Mr. and Mre. D. A. Downeend. The marriage of one of S.ilir.e's old ioys, Mr. George Walk-r, occurred at Ontralia, Wash., last week. The pupils of the high school enjoyed a sleigh ride and an oyster supper out at Mr. Chrislian Cook'e oneeveninglast week. Quite a number of teachers froni here attended the Teachers' Associaiion at Ypsilanti last Saturday, Mrs. Myron Lawrunce, of our iriraHry department, giving a paper on "Primary Dovices." ('brisen. Mrt. J. K. Yocum, who has been in Detroit, has returned. Mrs. A. J. Stedman, of Ann Arbor, is vi.-itinjï rehitivfS here. The W. C. T. U. will meet thisufternoon witb Mrs. Ira Freer. Miss Myrta Kempf will remain in Chicago uutil after the holidays. Union temperanee service was held Sunday eveuint: in the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Taylor, of Detroit, have been vlsiting Jas. Taylor's family. A uumber of our citizens will go to Aun Arbor to hear Rev. T. DoWitt T1mage. Mrs. Dr. Schmidt has so far recovered iis to be able to go to her parents in Manchester. John Cooley has returned from tlie eaRt, where he has been visiting the past two raonths. Mrti. A. K. Calkin has g ne to Manchester to remain with her mother until aftfl the holidays. B. L. Sparks, who has been in Omaha and the west for the past two yeans bas returned, and will remain with bis parents a few weekc The Woman's Relief Corps w'üi Ir-.l.i a fair ál ïown H.ill, December 11 and 12. A musical pr 'gram bas been arnnged for hoth evenings.


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