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Principies. The Aun Arbor Begister ie inclined to ridicule an alleged inconsisteney in principies of the Democratie party, which it claims are undemocratic. Tliat'd all right, neighbor, your party cannot be criticized for that. - it has no principies. - Ysilanti Sentinel. The Sentinel is like the crazy man who thinks everyone else crazy but himself. We do not deny that the Democratie party has "principies." If it were not for that wemight not be able at first glance to eee how bad the party really ie Theor Une Tbiur, Business Another. In the heaviest silver-producing sfatef, where the free-coinage sentiment is consequently strongest, the more guarded are bankers, brokers and money lenders againet leaving out of mortgages and other securities which ihey take, the worde, "payablein gold coiu." The voter there is very anzious for the aecendancy of silver money, but the notes and mortgages he signs give him notice in advance that when he comes to pay them off, silver money will not do. Recently a city in one of those states voted bonds for improvement. The writer was present when the bonds were offered. Buyers vere present representing capitalista of various cities in the United States. The bonds specified that the obligation would be paid in "legal tender," but nobids could be gotten till this was changed to "gold coin." - United States Investor. Ton Can Rely Upon Hood's Sarsaparilla ae a positive remedy for every fnrm of scrofula, salt rheum, boils, pimples and all other diseases caueed by impure blood. It eradicates every impurity and at the same time tonee and vitalizes the whole svstem. Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pilis. Unequalled as a dinner pil!. UofHn't Kii ww IIow It Feela. Himself of ajoy he bu rarely dcnied And a reason for self approbation. Who has olt had the chances, yet never hae trled Wilt ucees to reslita tempiatlon, Dr. Atkcr't Enffllah Pili Are active, effective and pure. For sick headacbe, disorder ed Btomach.loss of appetite, bad complexión, and biliousneBB, they have never been equalled either in America or abroad. 100 Reward. The above reward is oflered for any case of Kidney, Bladder or Live Trouble that Guarantee Kidney Cure fails to cure. Sold by all Druggists. GUAHANTEE DrüG Co. 926 Toledo, Ohio The true ideal ie not opposed to the real, nor is it any artificial heightening thereof, bnt lies in it, and blessed are theeyes that find it! It is the mens divinior which hides witkin the actual, transfiguring matter of fact into matter of meaning for him who hae the gift ei second sight.- Lowell. I Have Tuben Several Bottles of Bradfield's Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases combined, of IC yeare s'anding, and I really believe I am curedentirely for which please accept my thanks.- MrB. W. E. Stebbins, Ridge, Ga. Sold by all druggists, There never was a great man unless tlirougb divine inspiration.- Cicero. Piaylnif (Urdu Toa can obtain a pack of beet quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents 'n POBtage to P. S. EuBtis, Gen'l Pa8B. AKt.: C. B. A Q. R. R., Chicago 111


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Ann Arbor Register