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Ctaaneery ïotie. 9XATK OF MICHIGAN, in the twentj-seoond Jndlc al Circuit 8uit pending in the (Uronit fourt for the Coanty of Wiuhteuaw in Chnncery. Jli Qanckenbos. complainant re. Waiter 8. CiUackenboss, dofendaut. TJpon öue proof by affldarits that Walter 8, QuackenboM. defendant. In the above entitled oauae pending In thli eoart. reside out of the State of Michigan and in the State ot Kansas and on motion of Kandall & Corbin olicitors for complainant, lt is ordered bat the eaid defendant do appear and anewer the bfll of complaint Bied in the said i-ourt within fonr months alter the date of this ordtr else the ald billof complalnt shalt be taken as confessed. and further that thls order be publinhed wlthln twenty days from this date in the Ann Arbot Rkoister, a newspaper published in the satd Coumy of Washtenaw and be publü-hed thereln once in each week for atx weeks in siuicea 1ob: Such publieation shail i ot bu necesearv in oase a copyof this order be ferved on the defendant personally at leaat twenty liays before the time bereln presoribed for hia appearance. Dated thLs J3th dfty of November. r. 1591. E D. KINNE, Cirouit Judg. Ramdíll & Corbim, Solicitora forOomplainant. A tnie"Copy" Attest: Arthpb Bbowm, 97_ SCHOOL SHOES ! WE HAVE RECEIVED THE SE8T GRADE CHILD'S, MI6SES', BOYS' AND YOÜTH'S SCHOOL SHOES MADE. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR TO WEAR SATISFACTORY. DON'T FORGET TO CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. OÜR WOMEN'S AND MEN'S, $3.00 WIL!, SURPRISE YOU. SAMUEL KRAUSE, 48 S. MAIN STREET. yöü'dïë Aud have on e of the Bonds issued by the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY REMËMBËK They will pay the face of the Bond aud also all that you have paid. Example : Policy Ne. 35,609 was issued on the life of Herbert E. Blake for $1,000. Mr. Blake died aud the company paid his heirs $1,053.95; All the insurance coat was the interest on the premium which $3.23. The amount in case of death is inserted on face of Bond, also its cash surrender value. k REMEMBEK U you iive, the face of the Bond will be paid to you at the end of period designated with all the protilw. All kinds of endowments written. Setni Endowments and Bonds. Paiticipating and non participating life policies. Non participating life, ae 30; Premium f 11.59. Rates are lower than most companie. Profits are larger than any company on earth that wrlte for as small premium. Nearly $4,000,000 assets; nearly $500,000 surplus. Twentyfour yeara old, over 400 policios in Washtenaw county. Money to loan on endowment poliuiës. Drop me a postal card with street and number. I will oall and explain. B. J. CONRAO, Resident Aqt. BESIOENCK: IS H. ImkhIIs-SI. iiki V TICKET OF W. F. L0DH0L2 4 AND 6 BROADWAY A nd you are entitled to a choice of the HOME INSTRUCTOR, LIFE OF GEN. SHERMAN, OR THE LIFE OF P. T. BA.RNÜM When t'-ash piirchase to the amonnt of $15.00 has been mn. The Home Instructor, Larne Octavo, 478 pagce, illustmtcd. A compendium of useful knowledge ncoessarj' for the praetioal ubcs of every day Ufe. A complete and perfect gulde to life In public iukI private. The Lile nl Deed I n. W. T. Mieriuitn, Crown Octavo, 56S pages, Uustrated, A graphic n&rrative of his boyhood ud early Ufe, educatiou, carter Ui Florida and California, military achierement, Ufe as a cltlzen, lat sickn and deathj with flne steel portifl:', Tb Mie ol P. T. Bar n illli. The World Kenowned Shovrman, Crown Octavo, 520 pagas. Hustrated. His early iifc and strnggles, bold Tenturtc and brtlliant suecesa; kit wouderfal rareer, hi wit, genius and eloquence, Uiï Ufe asa citiien, etc- to which 1 added hls famous book, Tlie Art of 'ioney 1lng. Henry Richards, Dctler in ali kluds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOE POSTS, MA.PLB PLOORINO, etc., also And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in Ihe Citv A(iKï FOR THK :baïP!Ox binders and mm, !. lrlraltNI.. -- Aun Arl.or. Mlfh. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. CHEATiNO J1 HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of %v Horst Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for onlya little less than the genuine it isn'tworth-one-half asmuch. The fact that %. Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 5k trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. ■V Five Müa Ask 0% k Boss for ■# E'ectric 0 Uk Extra Test IE Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGGST. 100 5. A STYLES ai prices to suit everybody. If jou can 't gel the:.i feom y jut dealer, write us. Ask foi '-ke 5,a finok. You can get it without charge !'VM AYRES & SONS, Philadelphij I llvK'-r =ïi. 1 ,-i uil int L Ciiri 1'ilM. I'ricci ' I' ■ ■ ■■ kl)ni-'y;..-urinafl. Pu L AddrèfAMKI ■ I ■■ ■■ Vllox -'10, New York Licj THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ tRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. II TöThöscTriïïhKI í 1,000 wTTfficTiíñTd II IllíMHousSpellKrtepí-ml fora wliero m i 112 Hl n8LLrr.ruIürrti!s fiiur Bitters willlll Illit will cure you. mt a?i.-ii( or cure. Ii[l Q bo yon sutfer witli "''v'r tallgW " lH'attireliilllR'"1 Cleuusothc vitlated llteellug; if so. use Mooi whc.n you 8Cl,ll l.Ll;"' Bitteus; it9 impm-ities biirstHl cure yon. ngthroiigb the 6k!iiJ "cloTOly conflned in ?n1 y onJi UI not procure stjfriiient 2lll Hloxercise.andallwho SrLi-m:RBiTTEii8 ïllarccnanedin,loors, jM LiverCora 1 1 IIIshoiiM use iMi.i'iirn Diaint ],„„■ i.c (tig III UI BITTERS. Theywill .A'-oJ tivl'lcurelll gnot thon boweakand ;","=' "wlucureSB ïiyouaoiuttwiftli i,ï',l'1'Vl ll 'lTTERii f Ito suffer froDiKhcum. nl1J 1)U!M "u "1' :in' B I latism, ne a mttc of "WY y"u strongamll I SüLPHfB Bitters ; hotilUiy. II jjitiiever falla tociir.-. ,vrI.,.,„-K Bn M1.J M Dou't be without a will makc vourblood JR Hbottlc. Try it; yon pnre,rfchand8trong,Bg IJwiil 11..1 r .i. ■ i ni'l ■" "■ :' ' ' '■ tie i iütülcíTíTÍMlíáít? T'v Si m-hck Hit i hcnltb, wlio are all n i: !■ ïilghl, tu)iiS Ijlrundown, sbould n yi'u vï 11 ,-!:■; 'HSULPIinn BiTTKiis. iml t';l iniiir f..i i;. - Do you wnnt Se l -t Bcöira! H"ork púllW. Bend 3 2-wiit Mamps f . 1' Oihiwai & Boston, llatè., nd reccivfl ■ ■ ' . fri Wood'S Phosphodine The Orcal EnitHih Kenicrty. MJS3MJ ly i;urea all foims of A'cn1 .vlJJ yT kzemnf. Been' prescribed HTjjover 8 years in thousamic Before and Altor. aMeaiid Honet Medtcint ABk druggist for Wood's Phwphodine; If he ofters Mime worthleis medicine in place of thls. leave his dlaaones store, lucióse price in 1 tter, &nd we wlll send by return mail. Prlcc, one packaco, f' ; -!x, $. Oñ ufll picase, .ir icííl nre. Pamphlet iu pl&in sealcd envelopc, - stamps. Addrets mr. wottD (iir.niiAi, o.. 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich. 1I in Jinn Vrhur lij il rewponslblc DrnKKlata. - CJíook's Cotton Root Mm SpT compound. Bf5( A recent dlscovery by au old B5" vA physidan. .SuíüuJi iieJ Wrv y mottthlv b thnnatnds f H Ji' - LciH. Is the onlv perfectly L safe and reliable medicine k discoTered. Beware of unr principled driugistí who of Bl fer nierior medicines in place of thi. Ask fot Cook's CoTt 'N Boot Coxpodsd. takt nt '-ubftltutf. or iuclose $1 and 6 cents in poetage iu ttter. aud we will tend, se&lcd, bj re turn mail. Fall sealed partlculars in plain envelope, U ladies only 2 stamp. Addn.-s Pond Lllj Company, No 3 Kluner Block, Dotroit. Micb Nold in Vnn Arbnr bj 1I rrapauaibte Orngglata. WURSTERAND KRN HAKVr ACTDBEBS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleiiihi. Kepairing or all Kludi Xeatly Done. íUifaction GuaranKed. GrVE TJS -A. TBIAL. 21, SS, umi 5 nolroll Slrfrt. Ann Arlr, Hlch.


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