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The school board will meet tkis evening. The Kiiights of Pythias will elect ofticera next Saturday. F lix Mackin, drunk, wassentto jail for ten days, Tiesday. Mr. and Mri. Philip Bach have been quite ill with pneumoni. ïlie o!d directurs and offiuers of the Savings bank were re-ilected on T.iesday. The Ann Arbor E-eampment I. O. 0. F. will elect officers on Friday, December 18. Sadie Cropsey, only "daughter of G. W. Cropsey, is seriouely ill with bronchitis. James A., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tice, died on Thureday last oí diphtheria. The order of the Red Cross wasconferred upon several candidates last evening. A carload of agricultural implements has jnst been shipped from Ann Arbor to Scattle. Dr J. N. Martin read a paper before the Clinton Counly Medical Society at St. Johns iast Friday. A Santa Claus, surrounded by good tbinga, ornamenta the show windows of E. F. Mills & Cmpany. Mayor Doty has been elected honorary rnember of the Daukiscus Commandery, K. T., of Detroit. ít is understood that Congressman Gorman will endravor to -secure a governmeiit building for Ann Arbor. Dr. W. W. Nichols fhipped over 100 barrels of pears last week to Detroit, Siiginaw, Toledo and other places. Alexander Morrison, of drunk and becarne involved in astreet flght. He was sent to jail, Monóay, for ten dayp. Henry Forshee and four othere, the Salem farmers accused of resisting an exeeution, weredischarged lastweek by Justice Pond. Mr?. D. W. Rass, formerly of this aity, who spent a few weeks this fall with her sister, Mrs. P. B. Ro-e, and then went to California, is dangerously ill. A four oíd son of George Viukle residing on Hill-st,died Sunday of diphtberia. Within a short time Mr, Vinkle has lost his wife and two childrec. ' John August Hiller, an infant child, died on Saturday last of diphtheria. Only a week before a little girl passed away in the same famiiy of the same diseaff. Doctors Fleming Carrow and E, E. Hagler will take the degree of the Mystic Shrine in Detroit tomorrow evening. A number of Ann Arbor Miisons will be present. Miss Heien E. R"by, of Detroit, will give an exhibitiou of her pictnres Thursday evening at Harris Hall and Frldoy and Saturday at Newberry Hall. All are cordially invited. The Grangesof thecounty on Friday qnite generally observe l the twer.tyiifth anniversary of their order. Dnring the past year several thousand new members were admitted. The directora of the Hnron Vtlley Building and S ivings Association me Monda)' evening and declared a divi deud of one per cent, a month on the amount of money paid in. Frateinity Lodge F. and A. M. haa elected the following offioers: C. B Davison, W. M.; J. B. Dowdigan, S W.; F. G. N)vy, J. W.; Charles Greenman, serretary; C. E. Hiscock, treasurer. A new time schedule went into effect on the T. A. A. & N.M. Ry., Sunday, December 6, making all the trains a little earlier than on the old schedule See correct time table in anntlier column. _________ The annual meeting of the county fair association will be held uext Tuesday at eleven o'eiock in the supervisors' room. The treasurer'a report will be read and the annual address of the president will be delivereii. Miss Einma B .wer received news that on Thursday evening last the house of her brother, B. Frank Bowe in Cleveland, was entered by burglars, who made way with every article of silver ware there to be fcund. Miss Sarah L. Giles, for many years employed in the Courier bindery, died on Tuesday, after a very short illness, of congestión of the brain. She was forty five years of age. The funeral o Miss Giles will take place today. On Thursday last, Mrs. Margartt Cahill died in Greeu Oak, Livingston county. Shewasthemotherof Edward Cahill, a prominent farmer of Nnrthfield. Her funeral took place at 8t. Prttrick's church. Mis. Cahill was seventy-six years of age. Golden Rule Lodge No. 159 F. and A. M. elected the followinsjoffieeis Thursday night: R. H.Cnthbert, W.M.; Geo. H.Blum;S. W.; A. W. Gusser. J W.; D. C. Fall, treasurer; N. D. Gates, secretary; Paris Banfleld, S. D.; W. L. Baxter, ,T D.; L. C. Goodrich, Tyler. John Schle has received an increase of pension Weleh Post will elect officers tqmorow evening. The sum of $SÜ.34 was expended for sparrow orders last inonth. The overdr.ifto of the county axnonnted last Thursday to $40,7F0.41. Luirk Bros. will build an addition on the west side of their p!aning mili. Mis. John Mathews, of this city, bas filed a bilí for a divorce, on the ground of ext.eiue crueity. During the inontU of November the couuty treasurer received $9,647.77 and ltsbursed $14,517.60. Mis. Christian Roth has received from A. O. U. VV. $J,000 insurance on the life of her late busband. J. Dean, a brakeman on the Toledo road, smashed his hand on Wednesday evening last. A thumb had to be amputated. Marshal Murray made twelve arresta last rnonth - six for drunkenness, five for vagrancy and one for violating city ordinance. The past captains of Company A, Messrs. Manly, Schub, Walker and Millard, have been elected honorary membersof the Light Iufantry. The great Brooklyn preacher, ltev. T. DuWitt Talmde, will lecture S.iinrday evening in Uuiversity Hall. His subject is, "Science of Good Cheer." During November Poor Commis8ioner S pley expended $81.76 for re First ward, $3.23; seoond, S'i.Oti; thfrd, $24 85; fourth, 17.81; fiftli, 821.43; sixth, $7.48 H nry A. Nichols, formerly a resident of Anii Arbor and of Lodi, died in Chicago last Friday of heart disease. Theremains were brought to this city Monday for buriai. The finance committee of the city council audited bill?, during November, amounüng to $2,687.85, of which $1,099.11 cnine from the contingent fund, $644.83 from street, #472 75 from fire, $186.50 from pólice and $284.66 from poor fund. . Junior law studente on Friday evening tendered to their clasfmate, J. A. B irdeaux, who, a few days before, had been married to Miss Helen Geddeo, a noisy recepüon. Tlie'dln of horns was heard by all who lived anywhere near Wiiluim-st The ' Clemenceau Case'Vas witnessed by an audience consisting almost entirely of men, who, at times, hooted andlii s"dso'hatpardHmoniumreigned. At least half a dozen policemen were rcqn'red to restore even a semblance of order. On Salurday last four men casually met on the corner of Huron and Mainsts, whose combined ages reached 807 years. They were Abram Shear, of Plymouth, 76; Alexander Kerr, Lodl, 82; Isaac Dmin, Ann Arbor, 75; Miohael Cowan, Ann Arbor, 74. The Schiller Councü of the Royal Arcanum elected the fullowing offioers, Friday: Regent, Francia Stofflet ; vicc regent, Dr. J. N. Martin; orator, Alvin Wilsey; collector, F. H. Belser; treasurer, H. J. Brown; secretary, J. Q A. S sionis chaplain, L. D Wines. This eveuing a committee from the Business Men's Associution wül meet with the directora of the Univergitj Musical Society tbr the purpose of pushing forward the school o music project. It is expected that some definite figures vrill be submitted J. L. Babcock has much improved the front entrance to his home on north Division-st with two very handsome carved doors received from New York The pioneer poplar tree has been moved from the northwest comer of his grounds, adding materially to the fine view from that place. Frank Feiner, one of the employés in the store of the EberWh Coinpany, narrowly escaped being burned to death on Fiiday last. He was mending a gasoline can and bringing it a little too near a lamp, the vapor ignited and badly scorched his face. His hair and considerable skin were taken e ff. A ladies' class in gymnastics has been formed at Ann Arbor, and young misses wlio beforehad barely strength enough to walk from the piano to the dining room table, caneisiiy (loan hour of delsarte kicking and not get out of breath. It does not take the tnck out ofthematall like helping mother in the kitctaen.- Adrián Press. The Joseph T. Jacobs camp of the Sons of Veterans haselectedthe following oflïcers: Captain, W. F. Krapf; first lieutenant, Henry M. Porkin.'; second lieutenant, Henry Allmendinger; counsel, Claude Gage, David Porter and Oeorge Coats; delégate, Claude; altérnate, Frank Fields; instalH ng officer, Edwin E. Hallett. Washtenaw Chapter, R A. M.,eleeíed tuft following offlcers Monday; High Priest, W. W. Watts; King, L. RoaUii Scribe, R. H. Cuthbert; Captain ot ili Host, A. W.Gasser; Principal Sojouiuer, J. F. Ho-lzle; Royal Arch Captain, G. L. Moort ; Masters of the Vuil - J. H. Bach, .1. M. Smootsand G. H. Blutn; treasurer, C. E. Hiscock; secretary, N. D. Gates; gaard, Thomas Tayior. The art loan exhibition in the Ladies' Li rary building closes tomorrow evcniiig. The exhi'oits are unusually good. The Reoistbr wil] give a moie extended notice next week. Mre. MaryA Iverm-rc delivered ecture before the Unity club, Saturday evening, on the "Imiuort ïlity 'if the Soul and tho Life Hereafter." Her words were received with rapt atteiition. " Pile-drivhig epinmenced Saturday at the Toledo brilg. The pile driver is placed on a raft snpported by barre'p. A derriek i; n!s u ed. Steel drums wül b ■ placed in the water, co that cement foundations may be laiil. Ou Monday evenii g Dr. S. A .1 wil! read a paper before the Unity Club, entitled "Tbotoas Carlyle," and Miss Clarence Ur.dfrwood will give soine recitationn from Dickens. There v. ill ülso be sorae music by Miss Editli Jones. ; Miss Jaie E. Biigham, for w a resident of Ann Arbur, Mied in Dttroil on Monday lasf. Her re nmins were Srought to tliis city, ;n( iuneral services were held in S:. AihIicw'b chnrch ye" terduy morning. Miss Brigbam was sixty-fivp yearp of age. A student lamp exploded Saturday evening in the residence of Mrc. Anna G. Miller, on Packatd st. A Mi.Cok, one of the studente rooming there, was attempting to fill it. His face was BÜghtly burned, the carpot was injured, and considerable bedding was rnined in :;ttemptB to extinpuish the fl une. Sqiiawbu(k oil. THe foHowing were elected directors of the Farmers ;:nd Mechanics' bank on Tuesday afttrnoon: Renben Kempf, W. C. Stevenp, Charles E. Green, Junius E. Bea!, W. F. Breakey, Edward Dsiffy, D. F. Shairer, G. F. Allmendinger and Ambjrose Koarney. All the old directors were re-flrcted excepi John Burg, whose place is taken by O. F. Alltnendiüger. _ Goethe CmmamirryNo. 28, Uuited Fiiends of Michigan, flected the following offioerh Monday night: Commander, M. Grosenian; vire eommander, C. Spaeth; ñuancial secretary, Theodore Wulkei; recording secretary, Charles Dietr.p; ireasurer, J. J. Werner; prelatp. J. G. B mr; marshal, A.Schmid; warden. A. Niethammer; gnard, A. Siheffold; gentry, G. Schaible; trustees, 1. Gruner; 3. Trojanow.-ki and Wta. Eberbacli. ibeCatholie Mutual Benefit A sociation on ïnesday elected the following officpis: President, D. J. Ross; vice president, G. H. Fisher; second vice president, Henry Meutb; treasurer, John O'Brien; recording Fecretary, Morgau J. O'Brieu; associate recording secretary, J hn Eisele; flnancial secretaiy, Jubzi Burns; marshal, Jne Cobolski; gaard, James O'Connell; trusteef- Thomas Horn and W. H. Mclntyre. About 10) mcmber8 of Fraternity Lodge F. and A.M. went to Detroit, Tnesday Bvening, to confer the third dfgree npon a meinber of the Oriental Lodge. After the ceremony a banquet was given, at which the following Ann Arbor men made speeches: J. E. Beal, ' O;i r Gii' tp;" Pi of. M. E. Cooley, "Oar Th:ee B-d Boys;" Prof. F. G. Novy, "Onr Girls." The vi.oitors did nof return autil au early bour yecterday mnrning. The senior elass of the high school cnmpk'ted the election of officers ov. Taeeday. T);e complete Hst is as fol !w,-: President, J. Herbert Keitti; vicepresidc nt, Miss Bessie B. Steveus; secretary, Miss Charlotte E. Pirkettf ; freasuter, R W. HamOton; marshal, Lloyd C. Whitman; foot ball captain, W. D. McKei zii-; baseball captain, Aitlmr J. dummei; orator, Conrad George, jr.; prophetess.Mabe! Halleck; poetess, Miss Gertrude M. Case; toasimaater, W. D. McKeczie; songstrp=s, Ms HpIpii L. P ■ ;_'la-; p=sayis!. J'ihwnna Nenmani ; hi-lnri ii, KósiMi K. SumlerlBiid. Tiie B'isinesa Mimi's A.s9ociation met Tnesday evenirg In the counril room. Mr. ParBOJtP, of Yi silaiiti. sulmiittid a proposition for removing the manufacture of offefl roosta8 to this city, and n committee, conslsting of Mtsr8. Nobl", Allmendni.r, Cadv, St-abolt hiid Dean, as ppointed to investígate matter. Tlie couimittee on public.ition reported tbat the Ann Arbor Register had iBsued the largest boom edition ever published in Ann Arbor and that it had done a great deal of good for the dty. Other matters were discnued bnt no action was taken.


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Ann Arbor Register