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FOR HEMT. qpo Five rofürnisbed room at 10 K. 1 WufcliiKton-st. 86 ÍMR KEN 1 - A f ui te of rooms, and one single room In Uuity block. Enqulre of B. Brown, 13 South Stele Street. 80tf Ïoht- Somewhere between Ann Arbor and j Salem, a note from the Deering Co., xgainst Harmau Giglsv IorJ46nO. Alsof 15 U0 incurrency. Kinder will ree lve t.OOreward upon return of same lo J. E. l'erry 2)4 miles west of Salem Station. 86 ÜIKST-ri.ANS-dressmaklng at 3 Willard st. by Min Myra Peron. formerlyof Bayoity. 85 UuOl I'. VMI'V I; - will iiï8 les I us In palntlng, at No. 10 N, Statest 85 IK yon wish to adveitiseanythlntr anywhere at any time wrltc to GEO. P. KOWELL Si CO., No. 10 SpruceSt.. New York. 870-921 HVKRY one in need of Information on me suo Ject of advertibing will do well to obtatn a . copy of "Book for Advcrtlsers,1' 368 pages, prlce oue dollar. Malled, posiage paid on recefpt ot price. ContaiiiB acareful eompilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class jouumIb; gives the clrculution rating of every one, and a good deal of Information nbout rates and other matten pertalning to tbe bnslnesa of advertisiug. Address KOWELlS ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 9r,raee St.. N. T. 870-921 ■OK S.% S ocres of land in Gratiot Co., i Saville Townshlp, 2 miles fnmi"Rlverdale R. K. SHtlon. Also post ofHce, saw mili, grist mili, hotel, hardware store, grocery, drug Btore and dry goods tore The tiinber iB beech and maple. The s.iil in gravelly loam The farm lit s on a good roau % mlle from good frame school house. New frame house 1x16, ttro story; kltchen 20x16; good cellar, well and horse barn. 20 acres improvel and ten In wheat. all plow land. Will sell farm for tl, TOO, would likecash down but would sell for part down. Write at onco if you want a barSiain. Addrt-SR 3. Warren Hltchin, Howell, Mlch. 85_ fTiARM KOK s.ii.K- The Bullock or Everett P farm. 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles fr ra Ann Arbor; containing lOii acres; house ; nd rus. stock and wt.ll water, tlmber; school ai d i hurch wilhln a mlle; lnnd naiurally the best and In good condition. .4In io-nrr tarm le. ThesVíof theeastVJ or thes. e. qr. of sec 3-1 oi Ann Arbor town, bing part ot the Hnw( Noith plnce north of the oounty farm 3 miles frooi Maclt & Schmid', one and a half atües from city limits First class land for peaches. Prices and te:ms reasnfible Callón adren E. Oibsos, i'2 E. Washlngton-st, Airn Arbor. Mlch. 60ti B' al Knta'e "or Pnlc. STATE OF Miento .v. "orsT of Wam In tnem&tter of the estáte of Loreiizj Sftwyer nliy Riven Unit in pursuance of an order grauted to Tlie un-iersiened Administiatr of the by the Bod, Judge of Probate for tbe Tounty of Wa&htenaw, on the ■■nthdayof November, A. I). 1881, th rewill ho'i ild it Public ut the East ' urt Ilüa-o In the City of Ann r, in the ' ounty of WaMitenaw, in miil state, on Monday. the twenty flfih day of Junuary. A. D. 16V2, at tweive. o'olock naon of that day (subjeot to a'l eneumbrAnces by mortgaeor otherwise exi-ting ai the time of thedeath of said cïeceas d) the fullowirg rtecrlbed Heal lístate, to wit: The we.-t halfof the northeast quarter of the northeast qnarter and the northives-t qua: ter of the norlhea.'-t quaner of sectlon one. tiie east part of the nort heast qnarler ot the ïiorthwcsi quarter of (ection oue uhirty i'cres). ind the nuitb si'ie o' theiont; west tiuarter oL the nonheast quartvrof sextii;n one (tvveuty iwo aeres) hII in the township of Sj lvan, Washtenaw Uounty, Michigan. Ua'e.1, November 50, 1,-91. ,LMt.KON P. SKINNF.R, Admlïtlstrator. crayWportraits Í 10,00 Buys a First-Class Crayon Wbieh does not fade or turn y llow, can be made from any ki 1 of picture, from locket size upntlfaitlon assured. 85 ( 1 1 BS ON, Photograpber. WttJLTXlZ: KOPF, H E. III HOX HI'REET, NEW STORE. Candías, Fruits, Ngt, Tobacco.8. A '-p-'t'iMlirt IVMirlini'iH 1 l'lirv ibiuic. 4Ivp Me A nll.


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Ann Arbor Register