A Worthy Institution
The Ladies' L'brary of Ano Arbor is an organization wbich bas been in our midst for over twenty-five years. Like all benefits made familiar türough long association ts advantages perhaps are not rightly estimated. It has been said that it has passed its days of usefulness in the increase of other librarles and theopportunities af. forded by that of the University, We do not think so. It supplies a demand met only by a circulating library, supplying reading matter to aged persons, to invalide, and the many to whom it is impossible to make use of a library where the books cannot be drawn. The history of this association organized by three or four ladies of the town, when its advantages in all direc. tions were limited and it was a pioneer movement, is well known. The successors of these laborersi through continued effort, were able, in 1885, to erect on Huron-st a building on which $800 remains to be paid. David Kcnning bas kindiy oBVrsd 'o dónate $100 toward the liquidation of this debt, if itis paid wlthin the library year, which expires nest April. John Lawrence has promised to do the same. Several other friends have made pledges of various suias, until the amount is reduced to$300. This is very encouraging indeed, to have the prospect of so small a sum to raise, tut as tliL $500 is pledged on condition tha' the $300 is raised before nest April, t is urged most earnestly that all friends of the library come forward and substantially aid the ladies, that they may not furfeit the amount already promised them. Iï is proposed to hold a sale of dolls, fancy artic'es, and candiee, euitabïe as gifts for Christmas, at the Library, on Saturday, Docember 19, to aid in some measure toward the desired end. Contributions in money or articles for the sale are earnestly requested for that day, S.Uurday, December 19. The ?ale will be held both morning and aflernoon.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register