Its Success Assured
There no longer remains much doubt but that Ann Arbor will soon have a school of music. The business men's committee met Monday evening and enthusiastically adopted a plan of procedure. They propoee to raise a guarantee fund of $6,500, in sums of $65 perin dividual. Of this $2,500 is to be paid on April 1, 1892; $2,500 more, if necessary, on April 1, 1893, and the remaining $1,500 in 1894. It is expected that 100 aliares will be taken by the business men, andihe University men promise to take twenty. If the school ík placed on a paying investment within two years, ihe sums paid in by tbeassociation will be refnnded. Eyery member of the citizens' committee placed liis name on the list Mouday evening. The plan will besubmitted to the TJniversity Musical Society tonight.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register