Lovers Of The Beautiful
Aun Arbor is already the literary center oi' the northwest and is likeïy to become the artistic and musical center as well. One evidence of this might be seen in the very fine display of water colors and oil paintings at the ladie' library last week. Without attetnpting to describe the pieees in detail, it would be interestin perhaps, to point out a few pieees particnlarly noteworthv, such asMit-sElsie Wliitman's study of Spanish liie and sketches of local buildings, Mrs. D. M. Tyler's rosary and fruit; Miss Fannie Fisher's representation of cherries falling out of a basket: Mrs. Lulu Walker's domestic and aouthem scènes; Mxs. J W.Dewey's strawberries anJ roses; Miss Orcutt's pears ; Mrs. W. S. Pi rry's teasles andJtnquils; Miss K ite Douglas' flreplae,outdo r s enesand ornamental screen; Miss Raudall'i rustic scenet-; Miss Hunt'K scènes on the Huron river and sea shore, and her strawberries and roses (twenty pieees in all); Miss Mary Richmond's flowers; Miss Birdie Bliss's scènes intill life; Mrs. M. A. Campbell's miscellaneous scènes ; Mrs. Zina P. King's sketch of the old barn near Codar Bend Avenue; Mrs. Sutherland's charcoal sketch representing book and tea set ; Mrs. Patterson's table scène; Miss Carrie Wheeler's sketches from still life; Mrs. Rindall's and Miss Ruth Trueblood's miscellaneous sketches; Miss Mary Trueblood's charcoal sketch; Mrs. L.E.Smith's scène on Niantic Bay, Coni).; Miss Susa Whedon's oil paintings representing shells, medicine bottle, eider; Mrs.VV.E.W'alker's landscape, and ethers. The display, as a whole, was as rich as it was ttiversified, and ouly a connoisseur could teil which particular piece was to be rated the hiühest. OJier noticeabie features of the exbibit were the china paintings by Miss Mattie Harriman and the various bon bon boxes and calendare wbich were offered for sale.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register