At The Store, A Mine of Merchandise for the Holiday Trade. The Plood Gates are open and such a Carnival of prices will follow as will créate a furore in the Community. CARPETS. Elegant Tapestry Brussele 39c. The very best Super, 2 ply, 59c. Cheaper qualitie?, 39c, 29c, 19c. One hundre4 Rugs 3x6, worth 87.00 for 4.76 for two weeks. SILK UMBRELLAS. Nothing nioer for a Christmas Gift. 500 to select from, $1.95, worth $2.50 to $3.50. FEATHER BOAS. To Close. Any Feather Boa, worth from $1.75 to $5.00 goee at one paice, SOc. CLOAKS. The laat cali in them. We have a large number of expensive stylish garmente left. They are at your pricae till Christin ag. NEK TIES. No better goode shown anywhere. New Colore, Nobby Styles, Lees than half price, 50c each. FURS. Seal, Aetrachan, Marten, Krimmer, Oppossum, South Sea and Cape Seal at closing prices. Childrens' Fancy Sets in Augora Krimmer, Moufflon and Lynx. Tliousands of Novelties of every description. Appropriate Gifts for the Season.
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