Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule
"Luck s ever waiting for something to turn up. Labor with keen eyes and strong will willturn up something." COBDEN. We did not wait. Ten days ago we went to Rochester, N. Y tbia is what we turned up: ' SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARSV' .m - mznr of Suite and Overcoats at our own price. We nev it. Fiue Suita and Overcoats at cheap prices. ,v ü; theClothing business of this connty and f tf, aregoinVto STYLES, BETTER FITS and BETTER re he pLSfii ever had. 'rES than the When you have a garment offered yo THIRD OFF this time of the year look i QUA RTER ür O e 26 South Mein Street, i_.... HANGSTERFER BLOCK
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