Neighborhood Notes
Tbtie la nol a vacant dwelling house in Ghelsea. Electric lights wíl] be running in . Y e ars. M ran Emmett, nf Chelsea, wil. build a new house next spring. Az iriah S.Partridge addressed Stoekbridge PUronson Thursday last. The Dexter liigli school possesses a finí Wi ister's International dictionary. Jerome Allen has been elected com nianderof the Ypsilanti Grand Army P ■ . A: Irew Gale, of Superior, raised 150 bUilu-U of bufkwheat during the present season. Thf re are eleven divorce cases on the O. via,,l county cotirt docket. Beats Waihtenaw. Teiephone Association of the Patrons of Indutry wil! meet today in the Lima town hall. H' Lïniion, an old veteran, of Suutli Lyon, ilied latt week, iú the age of fifty-nine yc-;tr. ilgea Standard is now a six" column quarto. It looks neat and is ;i credit to the village. C E. Vroaian will act as Hizh Priest for Roya! Aren Masona of Ypsilanti during the ensuing year. One of the lea-t conapÍCUOU8 thinjis about South Lyon on a dark night are oui átreet tamps. - Picket. The Sylvan debating society is now "doing business at the old stand," as the Chelsea He ral il puts it. A battel mortgage for $40,000 hai been placed ou the machinery and content of the new South Lyon fl uriag mili. John Gibel, who has been away the past year and a half in Dakota, Montana and Northern Michigan, has returned to Whittaker. Mr-. S. A. Mapes, of North Lake, died last week at the home of her pareuts.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glenn. She hü,l been married only a year. The relatives of Daniel Coílins, who was killed in a colusión between Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti some time ago, have. recei ved $3,500 from the Michigan Central Company. Bi hooi in James Wüson's district will close next week. It is too cold for the littie ones to go so far and Miss Colby has flve miles drive night and morning. - Ouklaud Eicelsior. Palmer Chamberliu, after uu absence of twenty-seven years, again mixes among old acquaintances in Dexter. He gives interesting accounts of his Tisit with his old chum, Phil Armour, of Chicago. - Dexter Leader. Allen Skidmore, of Stockbridge, was careles enough to leave his money bag on the counter afterrnaking a purchase. He returned to get it and finally found it buried in an ash heap. A Mr. Jewel had there deposited it, evidently hoping to $40. J un McDougall bas sent a sample of Hathaway dent corn, which took first premium at our fair last fall, to (he department of agriculture at Washington, where it is wanted as an exhibit at the Wjrld's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. - Yj'silautian. The Salem Knights of P;hias have elected the following offieers: Dr. Tweedale, P. C; Geo. Ryder, C. C; Arthur VauSickle, V. C; Newell Withee, P.; H. D. Chisholm, K. of R. B.j Seymour Seeley.N.of F.; Philip Murray, N.of E.; Charles Coldren, N. of A. Taxes raised in the township of Milan for the year 1891 : State tax, $1,139.05; county tax, $1,037.97; rejected of 1889, 6.05; town and poor tax, 699.71; road and bridge tax, $1,250.00; returned high way tax, 336.71; drain tax, $376.37; dog tax, $122.00; school tax, 2,699.66; total, $7,667.55. The Washtenaw Pioneer Society hould receive, as a relie, a bedstead made for the late Wm. Turner, of Dexter, by the late Garry Briggs, nearly sixty years ago. The tools used were simply a saw and axe. The bedstead did service for over half a century - Dexter Leader. C Manchester Roy al Arch Masone have elected the following officers: H. P., J. H. Khi'isley; K , Frank Spaford; S., B. G. Lovejoy; C. of H.,Mat D. Blosser; P. S., E. M. Conklin; R. A. C, Fre.i Sp.iford; M.3rd V., 8am McCord; M. 2nd V., A. G. Case; M. lst V., T. B. Bailey; Trcas., Geo.G. Haeussler; Sec'y., Joe A. Goodyear; S., S. Hammon. Frank Ingraharo.who left here some ten years ago and has spent his time in fcraveling and working in the west, returned home last week. He has seen much of the wild and wooly part of the vast section of Uncle Sam's domain, and for the past few years has worked in New Mexico, where he says the climate is the finest in the couutry. - Manchester Enterprise. The Ann Arbor Argus points to Courad Bessinger as as one of the oldest if uot the oldeit inhabitant of the county;" aud yet Mr. Bessinger is not quite turned ninety. In Lenawee county a man of ninety is spoken of as a young man, or at most muidle aged, while in Washtenaw, ninety years is considered a remarkable age. Well, it is written, "The wicked shall not live out half their davs."- Adrián Press. The following is a partial report for ihe third month of school in District No. 7, Scio township: Average attendance 23. The pupils wbo missed no days and those worthy of mention are as follows: Bertha Shaffer, Howard Snyder, Lewis, Milton, Bertie Booth, Clara Baltien, Everett Lyon, Ida and Waiter Helber, Clarence Snyder and Wil!;e Booth. Among the visitors were Groff, of Lewisburg, Pa., Miss Conkliu and Miss Thumm.of Yisilanti, and the director, Mr. Balden. The stentoriau voice of Dan Crossman, Williamstou, has been heanl in the Miiiiigan House of Representatives during each session since the compli - tion of the uew state house, until the iast. Mr. Crossman was many terms the efficit-nt clerk and a rousing parliamentarian, acting as guide for quite a number of speakera, and a more etirring man in that direction is hard to Snd; but on Moiiday we niet him in the Probate court at" Ann Arbor, and find that the hand of disease has made ahi'ost a child of the once masterlv giant,
Old News
Ann Arbor Register