Short But Newsy Items
A eouple named Block was arre&ted st Ba.y City íor passing counterfeit $20 gola oertifloates. 8. H. fielden, an Escariaba pioneer, died of erysipelas in Chicago while on his way to Florida. Medical inspectora will be stationed at Detroit and Port Hurón to inspect trains and prevent the introduction ol smallpox that is prevalent in Canada. William Brice, cabinetmaker in the Fort Gratiot car shops, dropped dead of heart disease while at work. He was 88 and leaves a widow and five children. The steamer Brazil and the schooner Pehcan were libeled at Detroit íor $176,060 and $40,000 respectively. Michigan Federation of Labor íd sessiou at Ba.y City reelected W. A. Taylor, of Detroit, as president The state Sunday-school eonvention held a three days' session at Muskejfon. It was decided to hold the next ctMvention at Bay City. While workiug on a scaffold in Detroit Arthua and John H. l'riest, father and son, fell 50 íeet to the stone walk below and were killed. At Maranisco Fair & Atwaters sawmill was burued. foss, .40,000; inimrance, 810,000. Buildings at Muskegon lleights were unroofed by a cyclone. The damage was estimated at Sl'2,000. Daniel O'Brien was fo:ind on the railroad track at (rand Kapid, his body badly mangled. He had been drinking on the previous night. While Fred Roost, aged 9, and a cotnpanion were skating on the river at Holland they fell through the ice and Boost ivus drowned. Kis eompanion was rescued. A party of hunters fouud the body of Peter De Marsh, of Picton. Ont, frozen ■tiff near Alger. Capí Matheson was drowned while returning iroiu Acqueoc t ('heboyjjan. His boat eapsized. J. Masun Rejrnolds. ajjed 50, kaow as "Farmer" Revnolds, died of malarial fever at Grand Kapids. The product of the ('alumft and Hecla luiui.' tor November was 3,776J tons; Qnincy, 800%: Kranklin, 3283; Atlanta-. iÓ$!i; Alloncz, IIH: PeniDsula, 106 Jj A territic dus1 explosión set fire to tbe Ful Ier wyshboard factory in Kalamaioi and destroyed one imilding complctely. loss waa $aO,000; insurance, i:!0,000. A dwcllinr house in Detroit was partiull' destroved by fire. and after the had been eztingofthed the j bodies oí Georjfe ,1. Reis, his wife and , (bree bou, Charlus, .lesse and Edi ward, ged 32, 11 and 7 years. repeotIrely. were found in the ruins.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register