Our Law-markers
BKR ATB. Washington, Deo. 10.- Immediately after the rnading uf the jourual in the e yesterday the annual message oí the president was presenteö by Mr. Pruden, onc of liia secretarles, and read by Mr. McCook. the seríate secretary. The message was ordered to be laid on the table and printod, and then the senate adjourned. Washington. Dei-, i!. - The senate yestcrday broke the reoord in the way of mensures introduced in a single day, there haring been 612 bilis and eighl ."int reèolutions presented. This is about 100 more than ever befcre introduced in onc day. Amongthe bilis introduced ere the followingi Kor the freo coinajfe of gold and silver bullion; forthe remo val oí the remainsof Ulysses s. (ir, int to Arlington cemeteiy; for the election of senators by thepeople; to revive the grado of lientenant general of the United States; to prevent the sale of arms to Indians: to suspend the coming of Chinese labore rs to the United .States; to redu.;e letter postage to one cent; to establish postal-savings banks: providing for au inconie tax to pay pensions; to tnake the presidential term end April 30 instead of March 4, and making the president ineligible for a socond term. Adjoiirned to the 14th. Washington, Dec. 15.- In the senate yesterday bilis vvere introduced to define options in "fntures"' and imposing taxes thereou; to establisli a permanent eensus office and to provide for taking the tv -Ifth and subsequentcensuses; to prohibit sbsolwtely the coming of Chinese into the United States whether they are Chinese subjects or otherwise; to reimburse the several states for interest paid on moneys expended in raising troops. The president sent in the entire list of recess appointinents. HOI SF.. When the members had been sworn in the minor officers, were selected: Kerr, of I'ennsylvania, heing elected clerk; Yoder, of Ohio, sergeant-atarms; Turner, of New York, the Tammanyite, doorkeeper; Dalton, of Indiana, postmaster; Milburn, the blind preacher from Illinois, chaplain. A eommittee was named to notify the president that the house was ready for business. It was ordered that the daily hour of meeting of the house shall be 1Í2 o'clock. The members then procceded to draw for seats, and after the close oí this proceeding the house adjourned. Washington, Dec. 10.- In the house yestertluy. after the reading of the jourual, the pivsident's message was read and referred to the comrjittee of the whole on the state of the union, and ordered printed. Mr. M iilor (Wis.) Biibmitted a resolutiop requesting the speaker to appoint the eommitteea of the liou'sc ainong the several states according to popal ation aod that each state receive at leást oneohairmánship. Keferred to the eommittee on rules. The house then adjotirned until Saturday. Wasiiixc 'I'dn', Doe. 14. - The session of the house Saturday was merely a formal one. Tlie speaker announced the appointment of the following eomjnittees: On accounts, Messrs. Rusk (Jlil.), Cooper (Ind.J, Dickerson (Ky.), Moore (S. C. ), Seerley (Ia.j, Pearson (ü.), Quackeubush (X. Y. ), Griswold (Pa.) and C'utting (Cal.). On mileage, Messrs. Castle (Minn.), Crawford (N. C), Kendall (Ky.), Caldwell (O.) and Kliek (Ia.). Adjourned to the lfith.
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