A Murder Confessed
Columiïia, 8. C, Deu. 12.- One of the most reraarkable cases that has ever come to light in this state developed in the state supreme court Thursday, and as a resalt the necks oí the ten negroes under sentence of death in Laurens county for the murder of Thornton Nance some months ago will bc saved. They were sentenced b.y the .supreme court, and the motion was to suspcnii the hearing in the supreme court and transfer it back to the circuit court. The ground of the motion was the contession of another hoto. Hcnry Súber, who was receutly arrested, to the effect that he was the murderer. He confesses to the crimes and says he shot Nance and killed him. The supreme court granted the motion and sent the case back to the circuit court for a new trial.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register