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BUSINESS CARDS. ÜEAL ESTÁTE AND INSURANCE OFFICE, JTo. 5 .% . nnin si. Vn ii Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, - Attorney. Jjdal attentlon given to Renting and SellIng Real Estáte and Fire Insurance. SIX INSURANCE COMPANIES REPRESENTÉ!) 'altal, 810,000,000. TwENTY-FlVE YEARS ExPERIKN E. V7M. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over 3avingB Bank oppoaite Oourt House Square. rr r. wiu.iams, " AllorlK)' at Lux, tillan. Mácll. MoEt-y loaned for outside parties. AH legal usinesf given prcmpt attention. LE. W. HAMILTON, Atlornrv at La. wiu practicein both State and ÜDittd Sue Otrarts. Office Rooms, one and two, let flooro: he cew 'onck block, corner of Hnron and Font :fc Ktreeií , ahd Arbor. Michigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON7 Contractor & Builder. EMiiuatc furnishedou all kinds of Architecture. KESitEWE amd Shop, 21 Geddesave. WM. BIGQS. Contractor and Builder, in-I uil kIihIn of worh lu connecllon nilli Ihc iihoyp promptly execulwl. shop Cnr. of Church-st and B. üniversity ave TeleDhone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. ATTÉNTTÖN I DO YOL' WAK t anything in the line of BASANAS, OBASeSS, FIGS, CAKBIKS ol all hliulti, ICK CüEAJI. PiBCM OTSTERS iu Every Slj !-. y Hverything at Wholesale and Ketall. Xj. &c F. KOPF, 10 E. Iliiron-si CHOICE MEATS lor. Wnsliinston-st and Fiflli-uvr. Oui &Un is to please our customera by always handling the very Choicest Meats that the market itflordE. MUIEB IN FRESH, SALT! SMOKED MEAT8. AHDCAHE I5í SEASON. 2: E. Huron-St. - - Ann Arbor. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Briek Storchouse Jor the storage of Households, Planos. Books and Stoves. Pianos and Furniture earefullj moved. All kindsof Heayy and Light draylng. FREI&HT WORK. C. JE. G-ODFZROÏJY flesidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Teleptaone 82. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. fybody invited to Examine Stock. MRR. J. L. JOHNSON, So. 23 N'. Main-St. LUMBER ! LUMBBR ! LUMBER ! you contémplate building cal! at FERDON Lumbor Yard Corner Fourth ald Depot Sta., ard gret our figura for all kinds oi LÜHBEK We niauufacture our own Lumbei and vuarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. MrGtTe as a callund we wlll luake il i .vonr Interest, as onr large and wl) frnil"! ttocb fnlly snstnlns onr attser JAHHt TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. KIÏECH, Saj.t. eonti.i.-iï Tansey. tvnnyroi il :'■..! (i Sfvi r !. i!. At drug Rtoira, or lj n -;ii ii. in plaln wrajiixT, tor ú."1. I. X. :■..■. al-' '. Tulcilo. O Wholesale by Williams, S] !c Bh'ik-. DetPilt Mlch. run i unco nteM ■ mm RcetTtd a ,m mith 76. A muil hl OnaK N .1 . IN piokid up wc, nli il Aii Iowa luJy can I IV tero! a w.irth ÍS4. A Kan-ii fanni'r tuund in ■■■ h c-h a hiilf.ilallarwcrlli Í49.75. A Tcxaü clerk iat a fiuarr (',r wliioh I paiij 89. Tiic abüve are but i f-w f Umj cuEnH wi.rih btie prln. niany of whlch are ftmntl doilvftl II flftlAIO WANTED. tl.'if..r]--n ULII UUIIIU titbrl8M.,indBIrrl lurftou t.ihir Limiv .[ :;- i. jm. re! s.i:'i stamp ibi particulan. It Is NEW and CREAT. Blaine or Cleveland? Abfiantiftil umi vory artlstlcstatuctie(full lenpttii oíBlAlne.Cleveland,Harrlson,HcKlnley,Wbltney, Flower, Ilusk, .Itrry Slinpsun.Soniitor Peffer, (, j'-. Grant, Sheridan crShcrnian, Abrahimi Jmcolnor Georxe Wahinton. Any one of the above daliveredto yui t"r oncdotlar. Thefluure and base makesa pit'ce l-n ínchen in helght. Bend money or Postal NoUï. The beft thingfrafient8. Thoiifnnds belng BoldJaily. CanvasRing outfit froe. AttdreBH LITIIO. HTATUETTB OKKICB. Room No. 10, 80 Dearborn St., Cbkao, I1L L1KWM5ölp5 jf M x YirstCLS9 rhe Loreet, Futt uml Klm-.t In the World. Passenger occoraodatiotitf uin-x'dled. 1EW YORK. LONDOHDCRRY AND GLASGOW Devonia Deo. 19IETR10HÍ Def 26 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS ANfl STEERAGE r.-i'cs on lo west trrins to mul f rom the pi ineiple SCITCH. ENSLISTH. IRISH AND ALL CONTINENTAL POIflTS. Exi-ursíon rtdnoed. avalladle te retumby elther the Plcturesque Clyde i Korth of livlunü, or DRAFTS AND IBONEY ORDERS FUR ANY AMOUNT al lowem em-rent rotes. Apply to any of our local asri'iits, or to 4ENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JAMEK R. II K'll. Agent. I af aif lime wífh ? DOCTOR m JHHHL ' - Sana BP ■ ENCLISH ; iREMEDY.i I ÏT WILL CORE A GOLD ! í:í TWELVE H3URS; A23 cent Bottle may savo you ' C 1 00 la Doctor's may savc your lifs. Ask your Druggist ; for ií. IT TASTES GOOD. . ■ ■■"p"c"pÍÍk"p"l"s."" Dr. Acker's English Pilis(TRI! BIMOÜSNESS. [ ■ Small, il it-iint, afavurlte tvitlitlie lailifn. ! W. II. H ")KK:; ,'z Ci i . M V,',t Rmadwny, N. Ï. L Young Mothersl (fe OXfer Tou a Itemedjf íihicli Insures Safety to Ufe ofJZother and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" liobs Conflnement of iis Pain, Horror and Ríate. Afterusingonpbottlcof Mother's Frleud" I ' wffered but Hule paln,aad dliiuoteJEporleuce that ' veaknpss afterward usual Ín such cases.- Un, ' ansie Uiiíe, Lámar, Mo., Jan. 15tb, 1U91. Sent by exprpsa. chantes prepald, on rccelpt ot prlce, $1.50 per bottle. líook to Mothera malled fre. BBADI1ILD BEGILAÏOK O., ATLANTA, GA, SOLD BY DRDG'ÍISTS. LÜÖ8F8 EXTRACT RED OLOÏERMSOM CONCEBÍ' Feinale Weakiicss Sores, Clcerg, Tumors AliM-isara, Illoml 1'olKOiiing, Salt Bhruin Catarrh, Erysipelas, Khcuinatlsm and i! Hlinxl and skln Diseases. Pricf i. peí hn Bottle. or 6 Bott! s for $5. i Ib can SolidExl:. 5o. J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CC Detroit. Mich. Soid bv aii druggists. Ask ni iLt-i'ts for V. I . UoufaN Sliofs. II no, lor sale II yoilr iIlt'Mlsk your denler lo senil for rnlnlvcne, Hcarf (lio itiíoncy. hihI tset tliui for yon. ITTAKK NO SlBSTl'TtTE. t WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTREN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Ís a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, anti toé moké more shoes of thitt yrade than any other man itfavturer, It et]uals baDdsewed shoes costing from S4.'Jü to $5.U0. (CE 00 Genuine lland-sewed the fluest culf #■ shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals Freneh imported shoes which cost from $8.00 to $lá.ÜO. C 00 IlaiHl-Srwcd Welt Shot-, Une calf, !■ styliah, comportable aud durable. The best shoo cver offered ut thls price ; same grade as custom-nnule ahoee eoetlng from $g.(X to $9.üO. CQ 50 Pólice Hhoei Farmers, Railroad Men Í?J and Letter Carriers all vrearthem; fine calf, Beamlesa, smooth Inalde, heavy three solea, ezten sinn edge. One pair wilt wt'ar a yoar. ffiO 0 fine calf; n brtu-r shoe ever offered ai ]L■ this prlce; one tria! wíh coarl]ioe tbaee 1 who want a sfioe Cot comfort and service. ffiO US and i'.00 WorkiiiKiiuinN shoe trdGáa are very stroug and durable. Those whu 1 have giren them Et trial wüi wear m other makc DaVc' 00 and 9173 school shoes are DUJ9 winn by theboyseverywhere; theysell on .tt-ír merlts, as the Increaslng sales show. 1 oHÍACs:{ll ll:irrd-sfVCd shoe, bc-L m-EM vi ICO Dongola, 1 erystyUsh; equals Prench Imported ihoescoatlng rrom Si.ílrt to S6.0Ö. Cadles' 2.5Q .iii} and $1.73 shoe for Hlsses are the bes) (ineDungola. Stj lish and durable, r.'iuiiiiu. Ser that w. ],. Douglas' name and price are stanipi-.i on the Uittmn f eacfa shoe. W. 1,. DOUQLAS, Ilrucktou, Mass. WM, KKIMIAKD1 A i O.. 42 S. Míi i 11 SI. A VI Á X IB V H - - 1 iii"1 It Curca Coughi. Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Whcopinp Coagh, Bronchitit maá Asthm. A eruda oure fbr Conaumption lo flnt t-, nd a sure rtiief iu adranoed ■tafea. üMtoncp. You willaee the excellent effect after taking the flret dose. Sold by dealen rrprbre. 1 Lv{ Üonlca, 'M CLiiU and f 1 .00 Jt Cures luüueuza.


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Ann Arbor Register