Swept By Wind
DESTRI CTIVK H IND. Lob Angelks, Cal., Doe. 14. - One of the most destrnctlve windstorms experieneed in this section in years visiteo Los Angeles and vicinity Thursday night and early EYiday tnorning, reaehiny lts climax at 7 o'clock l'riday, when the wind blew twonty-eight miles an honr. lts ie veri ty seems to have been yreatesi at Pasadena and in San Gabriel valley. Sü far as reported but two persons wen' killed: Mrs. Brown, ivho üved near Gleadale and ivhu was burned to death, and A. G. Taber. at Norwalk. In Verdugo eanyon and the Hiéndale section the storm was the wildest ever known. Mrs. Brown, living in a small house on Verdugo road, met with a horrible death. lier house succumbed to the wind sometime during the night and collapsed. Mrs. Brown was eaught in the tiinbtrs. As BOOD as the building feil it caught lire and the poor woman was burned to death. The body was burned to a criíp. In Los Angeles the damage was nominal, l'asadena. hovvever, was less fortúnate. Reports from that' place announee the wreek of several ehurches and the destruction of many barns. The Ra.ymond hotel, which was oponed for the season Thursday night. snfïered serious loss. Destrnetion to orange orchards is reported as heavy. In exposed places all the frnit was blown off. First reporte of loss are probably exaggerations, but it is evident from the damage done to buildings that the loss of fruit will be large. AU wires on the line of the Santa Fe are down except a single wire east vin Barstow. Uepoi-ts made by passengere coming in uro that a number of buildings along the line are blown down andmuch fruit blown from the trees. The storm was terrific up in the. San Francisco valley. The old mission at San Fernando was shaken up as it never was before. Qreat ehunks of adobe walla weighingtons were hurled about. Big timbéis, placed in position in the misty past, were suddenly dragged from their rest places and tossed about. At Bnrbank Presbyterian ehurch was wrecked. Here and there along the Los Angeles river section barns and fences were wrecked At Los Feliz a Chinainan was eaught under a fl.ying roof and badly injured. Another Chinainan was struck on the head by falling timbers. A colored family was depri ved of its home in an instant. The members were asleep when the gale picked up the house anil earried it some tlistance. They were left in the middle of the floor. Many barns and small buildings were either shattered or blown down. Three coaches on the Rapid Transit road were blown from the track. On Millionalre Baldwin'a fine Santa Anita ranch, 13 miles from Los Angeles, the old orange orchard, the finest in the valley, was badly hurt and half of the erop lies on the ground. A magnificent row of poplars leading to Baldwin's house was ruined. many of the tuees being uprooted. A conservative estímate places the loss on the orange erop at 9700,000, and the total loSB at over $1,000,000.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register