Ann Arbor Engine And Boiler Works
MANTFAriTRERS AND DKALERS IN Sorliss Engines.Vertical Automatic Engines and Boilers, Saw-Mlll and Flour Mili Machinery, Mili Gearing, Columns aid 1 Beams, Clianucl Irons, Pulley and Sbaftlng, Tic Poste, Poet Anchora, Orate Bars. Ash Pit Doors, 8aah Welghts, Patents and all kindi Machinery made to order; also Pattenis, Grey Iron and Brass Castlngs of all kinds. Anything lu the ron line made to order. KBPA TKS OF A LL KTÍTDS A SPECIA ZTY. ROBERT HUNTER, :L'"' for llubrr Knlu and TbrMker. nt Víctor riover Ifull.-r.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register