Those People Who Believe That
denee mies in politica B8 well as other spheresof a tivity ril! seein the defeat of Militant! the probable sbelving of GroverCleveland arighteons jiidgment. Cleveland los( the respect of all enlightened men when he openly cham:ipri the cause of T.inimany. To David B. Hhi.'s thameleas liis ry was added last week a further infamy. His removal of two eounty clerks brcaute they would not igO false eiectinn returns, was a proceeding which, in some nations less patiënt '.han the United State?, would lead to revolution. The people of this country cannot forever tolérate such devilish politics. Af for elevaiing to the presidencya man of Uil I's stam] bantoh the thought ! Thk, ptierilc A reus last week Lfidalped in ancXher of iU vicious thrusts at Tuk RKriisTKR- all because, a few weeks ago, this paper hinted th ;t the use of next year's money for paying tbis y, r '.- debte is not good financiering. No amount of misrepresentation will help 'lie case of the Argus at all. As for eroaking, it i suffnient to say that no ther paper has done ao much to advertise the'ages of Ann Arbor as has Tuk Rkhistbk. The Argus knows íhis; henee its childish whirupering. Thb attendance at the roeetiug of the Business Uen'a Association a week aro last Tnesday night, and the interest ahown in the matter in hand provea cery clearly that this association is not organired as it should be. Tuk Rbgistkr wishes to propose a plan for the consideraüon of our business meu wlio tre really in earnest in the matter of building tip Ann Arbor. In the fi"-st place, strike nff fronj the list of metcbers the name of every man who is not willing to attend regala? meetings, to beheld say once'evtry two weeks, or at )east once a month. This will reduce the nuinber of members of t he aesociation, of course, bnt it will give a woiking meinbership thut will not be encumbered or held back by dead bi Webelieve tliere will be plenty of men left who are sufficiently interected in the wel'are of our city to take hol.i of the work and do their p.irt in building up the town.if feasible plan for doing so were proposed. Then let the ■ iation appoint a standing committee, consi8tingof 8ay live men of recognized business ability, men in whom our cipitalists will have perfect conidence. Let it be the duty of this committee to look into the merite of all proposed new bnsiüess and report to the association upon the same. If their report is favorable, let this be concluire evideuoe that the business enterprise upon whieh the report is made is onein whloh nurlmsinessmen who have money to invest can do so with a reasonable degreeof süfpty. Sucha plan as this would discourage illegitimate t-rhemes, while it would make it possible for any new anterprise which was really desirable to secure saeh capital B would be nect-ssary to insure its, ftoancial Bucee. We are aware that the one difficult pomt in this matter would be to gi-t a committee who would i'onscientioiisly and whose judgment would tarry with it the & dence that such a plan would demand. We believe, however, it can be done, and with a committee oí tliis kind in whose business judgment our capitalUti would have the utmost confidence, we could certainly expect a more healthy growth in a number of new busineca enterprises in Ann Arbor. We wish to irgeour Business Meti's áfsociation to givethis plan their careful consideration.aswe are sure thafgiu-h a plan would br'mg abont 'ar more desirable results than will ever be aceomplisKecl )y the Business Men' Association as sow organized.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register