People luakinx Chmtmaa prnta of books, pocket books, oortmoniee cw anv otherarticleHonwhif.ti iliey desire tib have the name oí í he receiver neatlv printed in gold ieders, can have ncn work done promptly and in the very )t-sl ol'stvle a( The Rpgis;er Pnbiishing Ceotpany. Shoeluui A Oo , Ihe ünivergitv k t'ller liave as usual the tine6t line of aoliiiay jiift bo iks, in the city. Art Calendars and DiarlM for the year IRP2, They have Jast receivetl live h mul red Oxford Teacliere' Biblex, the' American Kdition, which they sell at nearly ha' f what yon paid last year. Theiruroek oi' Prayer and Hymnals, Fine card caief üid other uteful and beaiitiful artirlpi in complete and iirioes are rifht. We winild advise all to go and see their ttore now it n woith tbe while. Read The Tvro Sami .Vil to day, 88
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Ann Arbor Register