Society News And Gossip
J. W. Hayley spent Sunday in Chelsea. h . J. T. Swathel has retuined from New York. Sun Lingsdorf returned Tuesday fioru St. Louis. ( 'liarles Canwell left on Tuesd y (o) Brooklyn, N. Y. J. D. Ryan returned on Monday from R ichester, N. Y. Mrs. W. 6. Snow is recovering frotn a very severe illnees. V. II. Hawkes, of Howell, spent Sunday with J. O. Stiinson. Mre. X. Cbapio lefi Baturday to vieit her daaghter in Chicago. Mise Ione Hnnter.of South Lyon, is visiting Mrs. W. W. Xichols. M igg Flora Borns, of Hudson, it the guest of Misa Dunster. Mrs J. I!. Martin, of Quincy.Iil., has been vi.-iting Dr I N. .Martin. lr. V. E Tnttlt', of Detroit, spent Sunday with h i! parenU i" thUolty. Rev. Kobert Bolland, jr., has gone to St. Louis, where he will visit his parentn. Mr. and Mr.-. Mil.tchlan, of Ionia, have lieen visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herbert. The merabers of the U. K. E, fraternity gave a pleas;itit hop on Kriday evening lat. Miss Emiria Banfield leaves ihia week for S-attle, Wash., and Other western pointe. A number of ladies aud gentlemen were entertained Ust evening by Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Vaughn. A party of about a dozen youn people tenderedto Ambroae Pack, Monday evening, a pleasant -nrprise party Mr.-. Ella Stockfurd and daughter O left Anu Arbor VVednesday mornih„ for Bay City, where they will make their home in the future. The ''El Astro" dancing club enjoyed a bal! at Graneer's Hall on Friday evening last. Mesdames J. C. Knowlton, J. ('. Rolfe and Dr. Rowell were the patronessen. Married, at Chicago, November, 21st, 1891, by the Rev. Richard B. Martin at Grace Methodist Episcopal church.S. Ingersoll Lovett to Francés R. Iarned, both of Chicago. Among those present at St, Andrevv's eharcli last Sunday evening, for the purpose of hearing the lecture by Dr. Fulton, were Ex-Governor and Mr Huidwin and Mr. Slocuru, of Detroit. Kred C. Brown, editor of the Times, and Misa Elizabeth C. Seymour, of tbi city. were qnietly wedded Satarday aftt-rnoon by Hev. Henry Tatloek. Tuk Reüistkr extends congratulations. The lady frienda of the Mac.cabees very pleasantly surprised the gen! lemen Friday night. While the latter were holding a meeting in the hall, tht? latlies pounceil uneipectedly down apon thetn, bringing eatables of all kinds. A very pleasant evening w;tspent. Aboul thirty-iive little masten and es gathered at the refidence of Mr. and Mrs. John Burg, Monday evening, and tendered Master Clinton H. Wooclrufl' a genuine surprise party, tinoccasion beiny M.i.-!'-r Cliniou'g rixteenth birthday. Tbeyspent the evening enjoyably, dancing after Mr. Otto's mudic.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register