Dr. Fruth
We clip the following higbly cornplimentary notice froru the Woherine Cüiztn, Flip' Mie)].: "Br. Fruth has made professional visits to our city for over four yearf, and in that time has perfortned more cures than any physician in Genesee county, as the records of his cases will the "xact numberbeing 1,094, cases- too, thatour home physiclane had pronounced incurable or were unsatisfactorily treated. Can yon doubt who is the physician? 1 is the man whohonestly earns a reputation of this kind or the man who stays home and seldom sees one case to Dr. Fnitli's hu&dreUi We think your intelligent miinl will be able to airive at a corred conclusión, nnd if vou are asiifi'uror you h illTiot allowsome well mean ing friend or physician to influence you against consulting a Specialist on your dlBeasp. You need not take any risk whatever, if the doctor can be persuaded to take ■ ■ 1 1 r caso and guarantee a cure.you cannot afford to put off the treatment any onger wben day after day only bring you nearer the fate whivh you must meet soouer or later, unless you apply for treatment, as olhers have done, and get well. Then you may be happy onte more, and enjoy tbie life as you sbould. You owe it to yourself and yourfriends who yon are more or lee dependent upon for the every day cares, which your invalid life brings. In order to obtain t rea! ment froni Dr. Fruth it must be underftood that you are no longer a patiënt of any other physician and cannot find relief with your home physicians, then i f he can cure you the Dr. will gladly take your ( nse under his careful treatment and get you well if you are not beyond help. If yon are he will teil yon so, and advise yon what to do.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register