Does it Contato Ammonia ? The charge is being made that the Royal Baking Powder contains ammonia Wi would have supposed that the emphatic condemnation of ammonia baking pawders by the most eminent physiciañs throughout the land, and the fact oí the three leading chemists of Minnesota makmg their report to the Senate Committee recently showing that bread baked with th "Royal" contained ammonia and the hostility now being mauifesied by the public against all ammonia and aluin baking powders would hare driven theni permanent! v trom the market, In view of the fact that Baking Powder has become an indispensable article in eyery kitchen, it is gratifying to know that there are brands in the market to which no suspicion of any kim! has ever attached. Dr. l'rice's Cream Baking Powder is a pure eream of tartar powder tree from every taint of ammonia, aluin or other liarmful Kiibstance. Dr. Pricc's Cream Raking Powder is rcported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned.
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Ann Arbor Register