Adams' Bazaar
HOLIDAY GOODS TjlINE AS80RTM1NT of Dolle, Iroa -- Toys , Wagone, Hand ckds-. Toy Tabels and Bureaus, Waeh Sets, Tool Chests. Gradéis, Magie Lanterne, Toy GRAND Tea Sets, Blocks, Books and Games of OPENING 'l kind--. Fine Stationery, Photo Albums. Plush Novelties, Ink Stands, Smoking Sets, China Cujis and Saucera, ■ DLL. 11 W 1, Platee, Bread and Milk Sete, Oat Meal Sets, Dirmer Sets, Chamber Het?, Fine pjjQY Lampe. Xovelties in Fancy Goods Department. Stamped Linens, Silks, SATURDAY. Yr[n%e etc" AT LOWEST PRICES!
Old News
Ann Arbor Register