Koch & Henne
A C1ISTMAS PRESENT I Should be useful ! It should be appropriate ! It should be very nice ! And it will be appreciated ! LOOK HERE! We have a lot of Plush Upholstered Rockers, antique finish, with Oxidized Bran Trimmings, worth $4.25; we are selling them at 3 5O to the holidav trade. Other Rockers in Rattan and Oak are very cheap at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, 10.00 and up to $50. A COMPLETE PABLOS SI IT Of six pieces. Polished Oak Frames, covered with good Plush has boen reduced to $3O.OO. A handsome assortment of Parlor Chain aud Sofas. Fine Cabinets, Desks, Tables, Stands, etc. at prices that will please you. OUK 916.00 CHAMBBB SUIT ís a Hot Seller. Our $11.50 Folding Bed is sold by dealers in other cities at S15.0 . (We are .ole agents here). S1DK BOABD8! (ioodStyles frem $15.00 up. CAÑE SEAT OAK CHAIRS Now only $1.00 each. A handsome display of Easels from GOc up and Screen of all etyles very chen i. Down and Cotton Comforters, Sofa Pillows, Headrests, Footrests, etc. THE HAS KETS AM) WO KK STANDS In our Show Window wili be closed out regardles.i of cost. IOVT BE FOOLED ON CABPETS ! If you want firat-class goods, we are the cheapest store in the city to buy them of. Good all [ngrains reduoed to GOc. Good Union Extra [ngrains reduced to 40c. Cheap Cárpete reduced to 16o. Prices of Brussels and Moquettes way down, l'HENILLE CÜRTAINS, $4.75 per pair, reduced from $5.75. LACE CÜRTAINS $1.15 per pair, reduced from $1.50. LACE CÜRTAINS very cheap at $2.50, $3.00, 93.50 and up to 10.00. Cloth Window Shades on Spring Rollers reduced to 35c. If you want oneof those $1.00 Axminster Rugs, we are olosing them out at $2.50 you miut come Boon for they are going livelv. LEABBU IS I.OW i'tn M, Sé, X mnd (iO s. Mntn-St.. AXX AR HOR, MlVJFt,
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