HOLIDAY SALE! A special trip to Ne York öecured tor u raany striking bargaina for our Holiday trade. These goods have been placed on sale at prieesthat meet the unqualified ipprobation of everj seeker after bargains in Christmas presentaNo such prices for this Classof goods have ever been quoted in Ann Arbor before. (ilancc at the goods in our wimlow . compare prices and .u wil! exclama, as nearly every one does, " H can yon aell them so cheap?" The secret of it. is, thai we were in New Vork w-hen the importers were closingbut their Holiday uooils at greatly reauced prices, in many rases ■_ per cent below regular rates. "We are tlms enabled to offer vou tliis class'of goods at prices whieli most dealei's pay for their roods in tlii line. THIS LIST MAY INTEREST YOU : Floral l'enwiper? at 5c wortn 16e Ladies' Silklnitial Handkerchiefs at 23c CnristrausCurds at Oe " 25c " Emb'd Silk 17c Satin Handk'f Cases at 29c " 50c " Fine Einb'd H'k'fs... 50c to 5! 00 Glove and Haudk'f Casep..47c " 75c; " Fascinators 25e te 1 50 Toilet Sets 89c worth $1 25 " Umbrellas 98c to 5 00 Woik Box-sifurnisliedJOS " 150 " Aprons 25cto89c Collar and Cuff Boxes... .89c "125 " ShawlB f 1 49 to $8 (X) Manicure Sets $1 28 " 1 75 " Kid Gloves 48c, 7Sc, 98e, $1 50 Hand Mirrors 29o worth 40c " MittenR all styles and pricaa Writing Desks (Oak).... 98c worth $1 50 " Purses, Novelties t 26cto68c Sachet Bugs 9c worth 15 " Lace Ties 50c to $4 00 Shopping BagB 63c " 85c ' Chiflón Handk'fs 75c to 125 Perfumes 31c " .50c " Fans 5c to 5 00 FOR GENTLEMEN: "What CAN I buy for a present for a gentleman?" is the puzzled quer) we often have. We can answer your qnestion and answerii satisfactorily. WC eau give u your choice of the following: Collar and Cuff Boxpp, Elegant Styleè, 69c, 89c and SI 69. Whisk Brooni Sets, HornMounted, 59c well vvorUi 75c. Oomb, Brush and Mirror Sets, 89c, $1.25, 1.69, 2.00 and 3.00. II ni Mounted Inkstands, worth $2.50 at 1.69. Gents' Fine Kid Glovefe, worth $1.25 at 1.00 per pair. Novelties in Neckwear at 25c and 50c -especial bargains. Fancy Suspenders at 17c, 25c, 50c and 75c. Linen Initial Handk'fs. fine quality, 25c. Silk Initial Handkïs at S9c in the regular $1.00 grade, líandsome Mufflers 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 up to 4.00. Japanese Silk Handkf g,50e, 75c and $1.00- all superb goods. Gents' Elegantly Mounted Holiday Umbrellas 2.50 to 7.00. LADIES rertainlv will ajijireciate our ofteriug of high grade Drews Goods for Hplidaj present. Fine $1.50 French Broadclotbs at $1.35. 48 inch Ravenna Cloths - sold every where at 90c and $1.00- 75c. Elegant 50c all wool Novelties &t 39c. Black Silkfl, warranted at 83c, 98c $1.2-5, 1.47 and 1.75, Superb Colored Failies at 98c worth $1.25. Finest Patterns 32 inch Ghina Silks at 73c to 1.00. Our Carpet Department. Hiindsome Smyrna Rugs, Moquette Ruga, etc., 75c to 12.00. Bissell' Carpet Sweepers, our own brands, at $2.50 to 3.50. líandsome Portiers from 3 89 to 18.00 a pair. Fine Lace Curtains 89c to 12.00 a pair. THE FACT of the businest is Santa ('lau lias made hifi liead-quarters at store and wc have Dot space to enumérate lus nian oLferings, , You are looking for something for Christmas. We have the goods. Give us the favor of a cali. We do the rest. THE ONE PRICE santa claus will Ki!ro?,S!? 20 s MAIN' BE AT 0ÜR ST0BE CARPET HOUSE. - üntil christmas.
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